Do you feel a

I have been dieting since January of this year, preparing my body for surgery. I have achieved a small success with the help of Xenical. As I lose weight I feel a sense of "frailty" and some "weakness" to spite my exercise efforts. Do you also feel this as you lose weight after surgery? Will this feeling go away? I appreciate the fact that my back does not hurt as much as it use to and that I am able to stand for longer periods, but I still feel weak. Surgery Date: August 6, 2003    — Eleanore Davis (posted on July 15, 2003)

July 15, 2003
That is so funny that this question was asked today - I've been feeling the exact same say, and I'm only one week post-op! I felt better right after the surery, but weaker now, and am getting all the protein and vitamins. I keep wondering if there is still some deficiency we're experiencing that's causing this feeling, because weight loss should result in more energy, not weakness. I'm puzzled also.(I've lost 20 lbs.1st week). It almost feels like low potassium from all the water loss perhaps?
   — Postop_nurse

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