Will my walmart insurance cover tt and other plastics?

I have my surgery next Wednesday the 20th! It is covered on my soon to be ex husbands insurance 100%! By the time I am ready for my plastic surgeries I will be on walmart insurance, has anyone ever known them to cover anything like that. I know they don't cover weight loss surgery. I asked this question before but it was lost somehow before I got any answers. I am so excited for this surgery 1000 thoughts going through my head! Thank you all for your great words of encouragement and support. I check in several times a day and have recieved much help.    — heyjude51 (posted on August 14, 2003)

August 14, 2003
I had to apply for another insurance. We too have Wal Mart insurance. Only to be denied. In my area they have never payed a claim. Even after appeals. My new insurance has made me wait 1 year but,it is a payed benefit if medically necessary.
   — Barbara F.

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