Will I ever really lose the weight?

I had surgery LAP RNY 8/6/03. I am down to about 250 from 283. In the past every diet that ever worked for me did NOT include all this meat that they want you to eat after gastric bypass. I have always been more successful without meat. I have been 250 lbs before just plain dieting and for this past week I have been STUCK here... plateau already? Am I really going to lose weight or did I put my body through surgery for nothing?    — Eleanore Davis (posted on August 28, 2003)

August 28, 2003
You had your surgery 23 days ago and already you are down 33 lbs!! That's an awesome loss in itself! I sent you a reply via email...but push the fluids and will soon zoom past 250 and kiss it a sweet BYE BYE!
   — TerryS

August 28, 2003
I'll give you the sarcastic answer my surgeon gave me when I was early post-op and not losing as quicly as I assumed I would. I told him I lost more weight on 1200 calories and he said "But did you keep it off". I told him to "be nice". This was all done in a joking manner. But his comment is the whole difference the surgery and diets we all have done pre-op. The tools we are given give us the opportunity for the first time in our lives to keep the weight off that we lose. <p>I cannot even believe at 3 weeks that you are worrying about plateaus and being stuck etc. You body is doing tons of healing. Give it a break!!! You lost way more than I did. I lost 22 lbs the first month and was down about 40-45 at 2 months. Now at almost 7 months I am down 159 lbs, so sit back, do what you are supposed to be doing with food and exercise and give your body time to recover. As I have heard many times before - you did not gain this overnight so you have no right to expect to lose it overnight. Both mentally and physically you want to lose it at a reasonable pace. You are classified as a "lightweight" and will likely lose slower the first 6 months than a SMO like me, so please prepare yourself for that. You will not likely see 33 lbs in a month ever again. I have never lost 33 lbs in a month. This is a process that takes time. Plan on meeting your goal in 15-18 months and if you get there sooner look at it as a bonus. Realistic expectations will carry you a long way and cause a whole lot less disappointment for you!
   — zoedogcbr

August 28, 2003
33 pounds in less than a month is GREAT! It took me over 6 weeks to lose 30 pounds. Your body has to HEAL,it has been through a lot so give it time to catch up. This WILL work as long as you follow your doctors orders. Trust me, I'm the QUEEN of "it will never work for me" but it did. Take care and good luck. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 110+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

August 29, 2003
The best advice I can give is to say not to think of this as a diet. What worked in the past will not work now because you are physically different. Also, what worked in the past didn't actually work! :)
   — mrsmyranow

August 30, 2003
COngrats on your weightloss already! Everyone plateus after that first month of dumping 20-30lbs. It is normal, your body is trying to figure out how to keep you alive, it thinks you are starving. I remember thinking that same thing too, "What if I just stay here and not lose anymore?" But, I did, like two and a half weeks later. Now I am 7 weeks out and down 38lbs. I could not be happier. You will be too. Celebrate what you have lost so far, stay off the scale for a week or two and just sit back and enjoy the ride. If you are doing everything right, it is a guaranteed success. RELAX!
   — Michele B.

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