I've had a tummy tuck but I think I want liposuction. Has anyone had that?

My abdominoplasty went well but I still have a poochy belly. My body is a size 10 but I have to wear a 16 because of my belly. I want to know if liposuction will help with that.    — Susan C. (posted on July 4, 2004)

July 4, 2004
You dont say when you had your abdominoplasty. I had my abdominoplasty/belt lipectomy on Dec 22, 2003 and I can tell you that it takes a long time for it to go down. But, I assure you it will and you will be delighted. Was size 38 pants before and today wear 36 but some pants and jeans are 34. You will be fine.
   — Steve B.

July 4, 2004
I just had my abdominoplasty on June 16th, so I've got a way to go before seeing full results. I get a little upset because I still have serious love handles that i think lipo would help with. I just keep reminding myself to be patient though to see full results. Hard to say for you because you didn't say when you had the TT. They can't remove too much skin at once because of complications.
   — emilyfink

July 4, 2004
Sorry! I had the tummy tuck 14 months after surgery which was about 15 month ago. I like losing the "apron" and most of the results have been good but it seems like a pooch has settled in my belly and I wondered if lipo would take care of that. I kind-of hate the thought of the whole cutting thing again.
   — Susan C.

July 4, 2004
I had that pooch revised when I had my last PS on June 7th. I had a LBL on Feb 23rd and the area was so tight you could have bounced a quarter off of it probably 5' in the air. However, over time I had tons of fluid problems and that was one of the areas. We had been assuming it was all fluid but finally the surgeon felt that what was left was fat and excess skin. When he was doing the LBL he got the right hip really tight and he was afraid to make the left one that tight for fear it would cause the T intersection at the pubic bone to die. If skin is too tight it can die at the incisions. <p>He opened up the area, did some lipo and cut off more skin and I didn't even realize it from a pain standpoint. It was nothing like the first time around. If you do just lipo the skin will likely be too loose, so you will probably need the combo. It's just not the same kind of extensive work and recovery as the first time. He ended up opening a portion of my left side LBL incision in the front also to cut off some of the excess skin. Again it was no big deal. Not even any pain that I noticed. Then again I had tons of pain other places. LOL I would not hesitate to do minor revisions to things in the future based on the ease of the recovery this last time.
   — zoedogcbr

July 5, 2004
I had a belt lipectomy in January, and the swelling took about 4 months to completely end... so I would give it time since it could be a good amount of swelling that you have. Also, my surgeon won't do another sugery in that area for a year (need more plastic in that area but for a major scar removal). <br><br>
   — kultgirl

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