Is it possible to get a hernia twice?

Is it possible for it to be in the same spot?    — pennix122 (posted on July 8, 2004)

July 8, 2004
Hi.. Yes it is possible. 3 years ago i had one in or near my belly button. When i had a gallbladder removed they fixed it. 1 year later i had my WLS and they had to repair it again.
   — Deanna B.

July 9, 2004
It sure is! I had a hernia after my second c-section 3 years ago. I had my RNY 1 year ago, and just had the hernia repared again last month. they even used the mesh the first time.. Surgeon said all the mesh got "sucked" up. The second time the both stiched it and secured it with tacks (ouch) he said it should not reoccur now. I hope not! I found hernia surgery more painful than RNY (lap) surgery.
   — J O.

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