Can I get good results with brachioplasty if I still have fat?

I have hanging batwings that are still pretty heavy with fat. They are awful and I am really anxious to get them taken care of. Will a plastic surgeon be able to get a good result when a large amount of hanging fat must be removed from the arms? (Or from the inner thighs and pannus for that matter?) Thanks for your input!    — betseylovelace (posted on August 17, 2004)

August 17, 2004
Hi Betsy, I am having my arms done this Thursday. The Dr is doing some liposuction with it to smooth out the arm. Even though I am at goal I still have some fat pads in there. I spoke with 3 Plastic Surgeons. All told me that they don't like to do arms, thighs, stomach etc until you are less than 20lbs from goal because if you lose more you can sag again. Check with a PS in your area. Many offer free 1st time consults. Best wishes - Maggie B.
   — M B.

August 20, 2004
I had my arms done in 2 stages. I first had liposuction to remove the fat. He took out about the equivalent of a can of pop from each arm. Then a few months later, he did the brachioplasty (modified - armpit incision only) and removed the excess skin. By doing this in 2 stages, it REALLY did give the best result. You need to wait after the liposuction so your arms have a chance to heal and it also gives them time to get smaller. After their smaller (wait at least 3 months) then have the excess skin cutoff. I saw a picture of a woman who did it all at once and her arms were as big as mine before surgery. After surgery, her arms still looked large but mine are now VERY small.
   — Patty H.

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