Is leg pain part of anemia symptoms?

March 10th, I will be 2 yrs post op. I have been diagnoised with sever amemia (my @ an 8). My thighs hurt from the hips to the knees. It's not the muscles it's the bone. The pain wakes me from a good sleep. I can not get an relief. When I'm relaxing my legs will twitch and jerk. This is not every night but it is often. Can anyone give me any suggestions? My PCP has be on Hemocyte twice a day. I had a CBC on Tusday/1st and should get the results tommorow.    — TexFlutterby (posted on March 3, 2005)

March 2, 2005
Janie: Have you had your B12F checked? (vitamin b12 and folate) When those levels get low, I believe it can cause nervous system disturbances, such as muscle twitches ect. Ask your Dr about running those tests as well as an iron and iron binding test. These are all related to iron deficency anemia. Good luck, DeeAnn R.
   — DeeAnn

March 2, 2005
In addition to low B12, low magnesium also causes severe leg pains and twitching.
   — M B.

March 3, 2005
Blood clot?
   — Danmark

March 3, 2005
I am 4 yrs. post-op and have the same problem you describe. I do give myself B-12 shots once a month, but I sometimes wonder if I need more. Please post your results, I'd like to know what they tell you. Thanks,
   — Betty Todd

March 3, 2005
I too am severely anemic. (mine is 7) PCP has tried iron injections but am still losing ground. Going to a blood specialist. Restless leg syndrome is a symptom of anemia. I never knew. Mine drive me crazy at night, pain, twitch but I have to move them all the time, even when I am awake. Not sure there is an answer. I have even had iv iron three times a week for a month to get back up to normal in the spring of 2003. I had my surgery July 2001. Let me know if anyone has suggestions. I am desperate too.
   — Lisa B.

March 3, 2005
I have not had the procedure but I have done extensive research and one of the problems is neurolgical problems from vitamin deficiencies
   — Johna H.

March 3, 2005
janie im so glad you posted this question my legs kill me when i stop at night and try to sleep or rest ! they wake me up from a deep sleep and my kids and husband see me jerk and stretch and twitch continuesly please keep us posted and i hope you get relief it realy is a weird thing im going to the doctor!
   — angela J.

March 3, 2005
Hello Janie, My legs were making me crazy too. Jerking and twitching in the early evenings and during the night while trying to sleep. Then my hands and fingers started cramping and twitching as well. I mentioned it to my PCP and he had blood drawn. The next day his office called, told me my Magnesium was very low. Called in a prescription for MAG-OX 400MG taken twice a day. That was on the 21st of February. Since I started taking the meds, my legs have slowed alot of the twitching and hands seldom cramp. has only been 11 days but I can see and FEEL the difference. Go to your PCP and ask him/her to run a Magnesium blood test on you...................GOOD LUCK , Cindy
   — cindirella

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