Any one have panniculectomy (without muscle tightening) and are unhappy?

I am scheduled to have one next month, but understand from the surgeon that he will most likely not be involving the stomach muscles, due to the extensive pannus repair. Anyone unhappy with their panniculectomy due to stomach not being as tight/flat/etc., as they had wished due to no muscle tightening? THANKS!    — Jill D. (posted on June 16, 2001)

April 17, 2005
I am unhappy. Dont get me wrong, I look a lot better but really was hoping for more. I have had a lot of problems after my panni but I would do it again.
   — Amy T.

April 17, 2005
I would not even consider having a panni without muscle tightening. The gastric bypass was all about my health, the plastics are to **look** as good as I feel. I had no health issues related to the hanging skin, it was just ugly. but, that is just me. I may be shallow & vain etc, but I have worked really hard to lose the weight and maintain. I exercise 4-5 times a week, minimum 1.5 hours to 2.5 hours a day. watch my diet very carefully and have maintained my weight for 1 1/2 years with in a couple of pounds. I feel that I deserve it. It has also been a huge emotional boost. I feel like I am slowly removing the fat girl inside, to feel really truely attractive.
   — **willow**

April 17, 2005
I did not have the muscle tightening and am very happy with my plastic surgeons work. It made a huge difference in my shape- you can take a look at my plastic surgery folder. Go to my profile, then my www....
   — ~~Stacie~~

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