6 1/2 Months Post Op, and Size 16 . . .

I am 5 ft. 8", 195 lbs, size 16 at 6 1/2 months post op. I am evenly proportioned, with a larger stomach and breasts. (thinking about breast reduction and abdominalplasty later). My question is this ... at this point, how many pounds will I lose to go down a size? Anyone have an approximate guess? It's so hard right now with the changing seasons, I have no summer clothes yet ... Thanks!    — Melissa B. (posted on April 16, 2002)

April 16, 2002
Who knows I am 5'7" and weigh 195 and I am a size 14. So it all depends on how, and were you body decides to loose it. Normaly the smaller you get the less wieght it takes to get you into that smaller size. I asked around at my work and 10 pounds was the norm. Oh and congrats on your weight loss!!
   — nkoehler88

April 16, 2002
Hi Melissa, I am 5'6", 174 and wearing a size 14. Just 8 weeks ago I was 15 lbs. heavier and wore size 16. I am not quite 6 months post-op. I also am built like an apple, carrying all of my extra weight up high. I just got back from the thrift store where I bought some 14's and 12 shorts. Found some really up-to-date ones. Found some Bill Blass and some Bugle Boys. Its fun to buy 1-2 sizes smaller so you can try them on periodically to see how you are doing. Have fun shopping!!
   — Cheri M.

April 16, 2002
Heck, I am 5'7" and weight 174 - and am just getting into about half the 14s in the world. Weird how we can vary and basically all be the same height. Then again, I carry so much weight on my thighs, that if they were in proportion I could get into some 12s...
   — M. A. B.

April 16, 2002
180=16 170=14 160=12 150=10 round about there every body is different depends where you carried the weight I am 5'5 160=14 comfortable 12 tight after 150 seems every 5 pounds or so makes a size difference
   — Kathleen M.

April 16, 2002
I'm 5'7", 183-185, and comfy 14. Could wear a 12 in places, will be able to after reconstructive surgery. I agree with 10 pounds equaling a size.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 16, 2002
I'm 5 1/2 months post op and weigh 168 and am comfortably in a size 12. I tried a size 10 jeans (the size 12 were loose in the thighs and a little long) and I couldn't even get them fastened!! I figure I'll have to lose about 5 pounds (in my stomach) to get into them. I have a curvy (getting more proportionate) shape. It seems this time with weight loss, I don't need to lose as much weight to get into smaller clothes. At this weight before, I was in a size 14.
   — Patty H.

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