Anyone with untreated sleep apnea?

   — Amber L. (posted on May 13, 2002)

May 13, 2002
With mild and moderate sleep apnea it helps if you sleep on your side and elevate your bed a little. Weight loss does help and sometimes just a small amount. I was diagnosed as having 159 events per hour, but I could never get into wearing the CPAP. I was only two weeks out when I was sleeping like a baby. Prior to that I was so sleep impaired I was walking in my sleep. The week before my surgery, I fell out of bed and hit my head requiring eight staples. Your sleep is definitely fragmented. You may have another sleep disorder like insomnia, hypersomnia or a circadian rhythm disorder. There are many website where you can research it. is one of them.
   — Lisa N M.

May 13, 2002
I have the same problem,had sleep study done about a year ago when i first started having symptoms,showed only mild apnea,since its just awfull,wake up not able to take in a breath,scares the heck out of me and my husband,have to see if insurance will cover a second study.mine is happening every night now,many times,needless to say,im not sleeping much.I feel for you as i know exactly what you are going through.Best of luck to you.........Doris
   — Dodistew

May 14, 2002
I discussed the possibility of having sleep apnea with my PCP two mos pre-op. I did not have a sleep study done, but would wake gasping for air several times per night. For some reason, I thought having a fan blowing in my face might help, it did. Why? I have no idea. It is best that you sleep on your side. In order to prevent yourself from turning on your back when you sleep, my PCP suggested that you take an old T-shirt and sew a little pocket on the back of it in the middle. Put a tennis ball in the pocket. When you roll over at night it will be uncomfortable and you will roll back to your side. I never tried it because the fan did the trick for me. Let me know how it works if you do try it.
   — RebeccaP

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