I have been taking Metformin/glucophage for 2 weeks now, and messed up last night--I

have been staying completely away from sugar-containing drinks/snacks/whatever. However, last night was the first time I'd been out w/my girlfriend since I began the medication for diabetes, and I just completely forgot to ask about sugar-free drinks at a coffee shop. When we sat down at the table, and I took a sip of what I'd ordered, I immediately knew I had made a huge mistake. She could tell too by the look on my face, but I reassured her that I was fine; it'd be OK this one time. Boy was I wrong. I felt a little dizzy and queasy last night by the time I got home (about and hour after I drank this "white phantom" drink). Not only that, but I woke up this morning feeling nauseated and shaky--like a sugar hangover or something. Has anyone experienced anything like this after a sugar load while on Metformin? Is this something I can expect in the future if I mess up again?    — Lynda L. (posted on July 16, 2002)

July 16, 2002
I think you will be fine. I was just at the Endo's last Thurs. and I flat out told her- I am good at taking my Met (500mg. x3 day) after meals. However, if I miss a meal, or I am drinking alcoholic beverages, I DO NOT take them- and this may include an entire weekend. She said that was fine, and she said it is better that I take them when I am doing the three meals, three pills- and does not want me to take them without food, and DEFINITLY not near anything alcoholic.
   — Karen R.

July 16, 2002
I have 4 different family members including in-laws who take Metformin for type II and unfortunately they all continue to eat high sugar foods and never have experienced any type of trouble other than high blood sugars. They all report tummy aches and diarrhea from the medication though.
   — Allie A.

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