Hi again! I wake up choking in the night from what I.......

thought was swallowing my own saliva but two doctors told me yesterday I probably have sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea and does it sound like I have it? Thanks for any info!!    — TP (posted on July 18, 2002)

July 18, 2002
Sounds like it, but I'd ask for a Sleep Study to confirm. Sleep Apnea is when you stop breathing during the night. It's not always noticeable to anyone who may observe an episode.
   — Michael K.

July 18, 2002
Sounds like it is sleep apnea (you stop breathing for a short time while you are asleep). Be sure your WLS dr knows about it. I have read that it gets worse after surgery because of the pain meds. My husband has it really bad and is scheduled to get a CPAP next week. Thank God!
   — ctyst

July 18, 2002
Sure sounds like sleep apnea (I have it and use a c-pap). Talk to your Dr. and she if you should have a sleep study done. They just hook you up to several wires (with glue) and monitor you while you sleep. I'm sure glad I did it. No reason to be tired all the time if there is help.
   — Dana B.

July 18, 2002
Could be sleep apnea or gastric reflux, or a combination of both like I HAD. I say HAD because both have been cured by WLS. You could actually be breathing in what is refluxed...and this is a VERY dangerous situation. I had GERD with nocturnal aspiration asthma...I would wake up and NOT be able to breath in at all and would be choking. One time I actually passed out on my living room carpet...I was not breathing and was trying to get to my apt. door for help (I live alone). I nearly didn't make it. Do not fool around with this sort of symptom. Get a sleep study done and be checked for GERD as soon as you can. Some people say "oh, it's just heartburn, or oh, it's just sleep apnea", like it's nothing. But these conditions can be <i>life-threatening</i>. Good luck. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

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