How soon is too soon to try popcorn?

I am 3 weeks post op from open RNY. I can eat "real food" and drink without any problems. I know, I know, protein first carbs if you have room... buuuuuut I just want a little taste of popcorn. I'm too scared to try even one piece. I just wondered when some of you first tried popcorn. Thanks ya'll! =)    — Tanya B. (posted on July 31, 2002)

July 31, 2002
I would wait until you're at least 3 months out before eating any popcorn. It's pretty hard to digest and is rough on a new pouch. Just my two cents though :)
   — kristinevok

July 31, 2002
Ahhhh yes.....popcorn. I started eating popcorn appx 4 weeks post op and did just fine. Absolutely no problems. I have popcorn as a snack from time to time and and it's one of the few things I can eat a lot of. Just make sure you don't drink anything with it. If you've never tried it before you might want to take it slow at first and make sure you're close to a bathroom - just in case :) Good Luck!
   — Traci A.

July 31, 2002
I'm 6 weeks post op from open RNY. I found that popcorn really satisfies the urge to chew and have something of substance between meals. I first tried 1/2 cup and had no problems (of course no butter and minimal salt). My dietician told me nothing is off limits, just need to try new foods in small amounts and no more than one new food a day (that's hard advice, though). Remember to CHEW CHEW CHEW so nothing gets stuck!
   — Courtney S.

July 31, 2002
I too was scared to eat popcorn. I said three months out I would try it, but at 4 weeks and 1 days I tried it. (That would be last Friday.) I was afraid that it would hurt, and that the shell like parts would get stuck. I was wrong. Nothing got stuck. The sun came up the next day and I didn't even have to go to the emergency room. Now, I am not the best example of how you should be eating, as I am not countin carbs or fat (only protein). My goal is to eat six times a day to keep my metabolism up and if that include popcorn - more power to me. Also, a few days ago there were some really good posting on why we would be able to eat so much popcorn. That is the catalyst for my first taste test. Best of luck to you. I hope you find all the yummy food in the world that is good for you.
   — Jeanna M.

August 1, 2002
Tanya, I first tried popcorn at about 5 weeks post-op and I usually have a cup or so of popcorn most evenings. Usually the Lite microwave variety (takes me 3 days to eat a bag!) Its a delicious snack, satisfies the craving to chew and munch, and best of all, keeps ya regular in the bowel department if you know what i mean!!
   — Cindy R.

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