
dr.woods did my surgery march 2001, i was 394 day of surgery, i got down to 294 and as of today, i have gained weight back and i am back up to 340 pounds. my eating habits are terrible.. sugar,chips,cookies,etc... just about everything except ice cream, well high amounts of sugar,,because i will dump like crazy... i am asking for everyones prayers.. i need to get rid of these old eating habits. i know that i have went through to much to go back up to where i was.. so im asking for your prayers,and any diet suggestions,and good healthy snack ideals... thanks    — Traci E. (posted on January 4, 2003)

January 4, 2003
Traci, Get that bad stuff out of the house in exchange for things you can eat. Don't forget why we went through this major surgery and how good you were feeling. Protein, water, exercise-----no more sugar madness!! I had my first sugar in over a year and it is so hard to leave alone once you try it. For me the more I eat the worse I feel and the more I eat. I too, am getting back to basics. Good luck--you can do it!!
   — Pam K.

January 4, 2003
Hi Traci. I am so happy that you are going to take control now and not go back too far. I'm sorry for your set back, it is something all of us fear. I am no expert, but I have been told to just start over, clear liquids for a few days and then the protien first rule. Power load on water and in a few more days you will feel your body gettin back to normal. I will not tell you how naughty you are for eating sweets. Lord knows we all have our issues. But again, good for you for taking control now. I pray for your success.
   — Pam G.

January 4, 2003
Hi, I have not had this surgery yet, but I understand about yo-yo problems. Please consider hypnosis. It is amazing what can happen when your subconsious and your consious mind is working the same direction! Hypnosis can and will help with the bad food habits. My prayers are with you
   — DGolsan

January 4, 2003
Hello. I also had Dr. Woods, one year ago this month...and we started at the same weight too. Girl, it comes down to willpower. I know no one wants to hear that, but it's true. I've taken to buying lots of "healthy" snack stuff...because I eat all the time. Cheese, 4oz yogurts, oranges, small apples with peanutbutter, steak bits, chicken on skewers....if you tend to snack, make it protein rich. If you crave sweets, get fat free, sugar free pudding with ONE dollup of light coolwhip. GO EASY. But if you want a sweet, have a SMALL ONE, then walk away or throw away the rest. Don't get a bag of snickers if you crave a one, take a bite and pitch the rest. Keep in touch!
   — Paula Prichard

January 4, 2003
Get rid of that tempting food. And look up pouch rules for dummies. It has some great longer term post op ideas or rules and makes sence. You can do it. You have come too far to stop now. TO find the pouch rules do a search over the internet.
   — Sandy T.

January 4, 2003
You can do it Traci! You might want to do what Carnie Wilson does. What she does order the pie or cake.. take a bite then dump salt over the rest so she won't be tempted. Try brushing your teeth when you want to eat or get those teeth whitening strips and use one when you feel like binging (you'll have to wait 30 mins or more before eating and get whiter teeth to boot). Try sugarfree hard candies especially the minty ones. Start a routine whereby you make yourself walk around the block a couple times or 20 sit-ups before you eat. Try breathing deeply feeling the air going in and going out while doing this tell yourself the desire to eat will soon pass. Hope this helps. <p> Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

January 4, 2003
Get you r butt into that office right away and speak w/ Dr. JOhn. He can help you get back on track. Maybe there is something wrong with you pouch. Have it checked out right away! You have come too far to let it slip away from you now!!
   — Nickie C.

January 5, 2003
Traci, its a matter of going back to the basics. First, get rid of all the junk food from the house. If its there, your gonna eat it. I know!! Then go out and buy lots of protein foods, like nuts, deli meats, cheeses, tuna fish, lots of fruit and veggies, popcorn. Start drinking water like there is no tomorrow, water load like crazy, carry that bottle around with you. Have a protein shake and a protein bar for snacks. And what about exercise? are you doing it? It is essential to get back on track that you put on the sneakers and walk, walk, walk. Also, confide in the support group. They often have helpful tips. Good luck, Traci. Adopt the motto, "Just do it" and make it yours. I know you can do it. Its not easy but you know how to do it.
   — Cindy R.

January 19, 2006
Hi Traci. I have had the same problem. I started out at 290 and lost 80 pounds in the first year then it started coming back. Everybody in my support group was always talking about how they couldn't eat bread at all and I never had any trouble with it. I can eat sugar too and it is the reason I have gained back 40 pounds 2 years post op. I really don't over eat, I just eat alot of sweets. I don't dump anymore at all, not even with icecream and that that used to make me projectile vomit after surgery. Sweets are the reason I've always been overweight. I used to make Dad so mad when he'd go to get a little debbie snack cake to put in his lunch box and the box was empty. I'd eat them all when nobody was in the room or heaven help them if they left me alone in the house. Still to this day, at the age of 35, when I go visit my parents at their house, if I find myself in the kitchen and nobody is in the room I have an uncontrollable urge to rifle through the 'goodie drawer'. Miracuously, I'm not diabetic, but I'm trying a diet geared at keeping you from spiking your blood sugar levels. I had stopped drinking my protein shakes and taking my vitamins too so I've started trying to get those in again. I've increased my water intake and I've started drinking green tea instead of coffee and that has helped quite a bit. I had stopped excercising as well but have picked that up again too. I've lost 10 lbs so far but still haven't lost my cravings for sweets. I hope I can stay with the program and I wish you luck with your battle as well.
   — Guinevere

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