What does AMOS stand for?

New Member. Very green    — D. Cornell L. (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
Association for Morbid Obesity Support.
   — cherryswitch

February 7, 2003
Welcome! This site has alot of information and thousands of caring people who log on. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask them. We do suggest you read alot of the questions and answers each day so some of yours will be answers even before you need them. There is a another page that will give you the last 300 questions asked. We also have a wonderful and large Library of past posts and answers. Enjoy and Welcome. - Sally, Harrison, MI ( Only 6 weeks and 5 days to go!!)
   — Sally P.

February 8, 2003
I am so amazed that this "same question" comes up every couple of months it seems. I remember well, wondering the same thing. Guess I'm not the only one who's blind. lol I think we need glasses and it is on the top of the page! We should see it, and miss it. ;)
   — Danmark

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