I got a call about a pretest that they found protein in my urine I have to take a 24

hour urine test....Does anyone know what cause protein in your urine? I'm worried it is something serious.Thanks    — JenLynn (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
Protein is found in your urine when you have had high blood sugar levels causing damage to kidneys. They are not filtering as well as they should be. It should not cause a problem getting surgery though.
   — blank first name B.

September 28, 2003
INTERESTING difference of opinions here. Maybe this is a good question for a professional, Jen!
   — Ginger M.

September 28, 2003
I'm not sure if this will help, but when I was pregnant, protein in my urine was a symptom of dehydration. Drink lots of water and avoid sugar and caffeine. Good luck!
   — SherryWeber

September 28, 2003
The 24 hour urine collection test when combined with the blood draw will tell your docs what they need to know. If you're diabetic it might not be good. Finding protein in a random urine test is what lead to the discovery that I had diabetic kidney disease. Don't jump to conclusions yet though, do the tests and then you'll know for sure. Could very well be nothing to worry about. Take care and let us know what you find out. Good luck!
   — Shelly S.

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