Having Lap RNY and am curious if when I wake I will have a breathing/drainage tube?

This scares me a bit, as I thought I'd wake to be sown shut, with no crazy tubes, etc.    — Amy E. (posted on October 14, 2003)

October 14, 2003
When I woke, my NG tube was gone but was replaced due to slight complications. The drain tube was removed the day I left the hospital.
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 14, 2003
When I woke up the only thing i had attached to me was the IV and that is it. I did not have a drainage tube because I did not have a lot of bleeding and I have done just fine. I was not in a lot of pain at all. Just a little sore. Every doctor is a bit different, you may want to ask yours this, even the morning of surgery if you have to.
   — sandyh

October 14, 2003
Actually, this is a question that you should direct towards your surgeon as we don't have any idea what his preferences are towards this. <p> Unless you come out of surgery on a ventilator, you will not have a tube to breath through. You may have a Naso-Gastric or N/G Tube. This tube goes up your nose and down your throat into your pouch. This allows any secretions in the new pouch to drain into a bag. This way, the surgeon/nurses can see if you are bleeding into your new pouch, etc. I know that my wife (who is also a WLS postie) had the removal of her N/G tube delayed because she was eating too many ice chips and they were concerned about the excess drainage in her N/G tube bag. <p> You may also have one (or two) Jackson-Pratt drains, usually called J/P drains. These drains are connected to little "squeeze bottles" that the secretions inside the abdomen drain into. These are removed within the first few weeks after the surgery....JR
   — John Rushton

October 14, 2003
I was worried about this too. Ask your doctor and/or anesths. Mine was out after surgery, don't remember it.
   — Michele B.

October 14, 2003
I had a NG tube for one day, it was supposed to be a bit longer but due to the fact I couldn't use my CPAP mask with it my dr said to take it out. And yes your breathing tube SHOULD be gone when you wake up, but like I said I have sleep apnea, mine was still in! It was aweful for a second because it scared me I was gagging on it. But once they noticed I was awake they took it out. So if you have apnea or anything just be prepared, they can leave it in if you are having problems on your own.
   — Saxbyd

October 14, 2003
   — ANDREWS65

October 14, 2003
The five of us in our family who have had lap RNY had no tubes or drains when we woke up, but we all had the same surgeon, and different surgeons have different approaches. We had "breathing tubes" and catheters in our bladders during the surgery, but these were removed before we woke up in the Recovery Room. Ask your surgeon what his particular routine is. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

October 14, 2003
I woke up with a catheter and 2 drains. After the first night, the catheter and one drain was removed. After the next night the IV and 2nd drain was removed. I was so glad to be unattached that I headed right for a shower and my own pj's. Having the catheter overnight wasn't bad, as I was still sleeping off the anesthesia and wasn't ready to get out of bed for the bathroom. As the others have said, each surgeon and hospital does things differently.
   — Fixnmyself

October 14, 2003
Hi, This is definitely a question you will need to ask YOUR surgeon, as they all do things differently. I woke with a drain tube and IV only, no NG tube. Also, having had lap rny, I didn't have any sutures or staples. I just had steri-strips closing my wounds, and they have healed nicely. My drain tube came out in 6 days, and I felt lots better after that. Good luck on your surgery! Proximal lap rny, 08/19/03, -38 lbs
   — Moysa B.

October 14, 2003
I didn't have an NG tube either after my LAP RNY. I did have a drainage tube right under my left breast. It came out at about 7 days post-op. I didn't have any stitches either, just steri strips over the incisions.
   — Patty H.

October 15, 2003
I had a lap rny done 09/23/03 and I awoke with a catheter and an IV. nothing else. I had 6 tiny incisions which had been "super-glued" and covered over with a tape that stays on until it peels itself off. There had been a tube down my throat, and I felt a little soreness from it, but only for a day or two. I did have to wear oxygen for about 24 hours until I could take deep enough breaths; however, this is normal (or at the very least, not the slightest bit unusual). I would say you should ask your surgeon what to expect. Good luck! Diana:)
   — Diana D.

October 15, 2003
My surgeon removes all drains and breathing equipment prior to waking us up. However, in past surgeries, I've had drains left it. It doesn't hurt. I didn't even notice it. It felt weird when they pulled them out though, not painful. Kinda like someone pitching you, but not too hard.
   — Renee B.

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