
I am 8 months post op and have developed a left sided neuralgic area on my back. Saw my doctor and he has no idea, when asked if this could be related to surgery as it seems to be perpendicular to my pouch area he said no and is referring me to a neurologist. HELP - has anyone had this? Could this be adhesions?    — sandra L. (posted on May 29, 2004)

May 29, 2004
I don't have an answer, but I have the same problem. It is going in 1 yr and 1month that I have had this back pain. I had MRIs and CATSCANs done. We can't figure it out what is causing the pain. If you find out please let me know.
   — linda3370

May 29, 2004
Weeeeeeee. Ok, if it is neurological...check your B-12 levels. Being deficiant in B-12 can cause some serious neurological troubles. If it may not be neurological, I have two suggestions to offer. 1) Referred pain. I have it in my left shoulder. Aparently it is due to something going screwy in my intestines. Can't find anything wrong with them...but that's what it is supposed to mean. Prolly just cuz I've sliced and diced them too many times. 2)I have had two very painful ulcers. Sometimes that pain manifests itself in my back. It is not muscular so I can see it being confused as something different. I just know what it is for me. Anyhow, food for thought. Rebecca
   — RebeccaP

May 30, 2004
I had this pain in my back similar to yours. It was very extreme for months. I am 6 months post OP. I finally went off the pain medication 3 weeks ago. I needed it to sleep at night. One change I have made is to go to Curves for Woman 3 days a week. Started 2 weeks ago. The exersize and stretching my back muscles seems to help. I believe there is a connection between the surgery and the back pain issue. The surgeons do not want to be bothered with our issues and all my primary physician wanted to do was give me pain medication. Our bodies need time to heal and we need to listen to what our bodies are telling us. I was so sick for so long (2 surgeries, 3 ambulance rides and 8 hospital stays over 4 months)that I finally took control of my healing process. This last month has been my best since my surgery.
   — Lori T.

May 31, 2004
Please get your B-12 levels checked! I was about six months when I developed the same thing on me left side and live in pain every day. I am now over three years post op and doctor just discovered my B-12 levels were low,who knows for how long,it has now caused permanent nerve damage.
   — Vel K.

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