What tests should we be having done and when?

It is my understanding that Dr. Richardson is leaving the St. Louis area and going to Whyoming. I am going to be having my PCP taking care of me locally. I have NO IDEA what labs I need to have drawn and when to stay on top of things. Please help. I am 5 1/2 months out, and have not had any labs drawn since my Lap RNY August 31, 2004. I know I will be needing them to keep up with protein etc, but what is everyones surgeons having drawn on them?    — chelle_0608 (posted on February 17, 2005)

February 17, 2005
I am sorry, I have no answer to your question, but I would just like to stay in touch with you since I also had my surgery on Aug 31 2004. Joy Perry [email protected]
   — gerardlovesjoy

February 17, 2005
I am 18 months post-op, and past and present blood work has included B-12, Ferritin, Calcium. Hope this helps.
   — cindy

February 17, 2005
Lisa, Here is a list for Lab tests. They should be drawn every 3-6 months depending on your previous results. Lab Tests: COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PROFILE (sodium [Nc], potassium [K], chloride [Cl], carbon dioxide [CO2], glucose [Glu], BUN [BUN}, creatinine [Cr], calcium [Ca], total protein [TP], albumin [Alb], total bilirubin [Tbili], alkaline phosphatase [AP], aspartate [AST], aminotransferase [ALT]) PRE-ALBUMIN LIPID PROFILE (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, chol/HDL ratio) HEPATIC PANEL (ALT(SPGT) & GGT) LDH PHOSPHORUS - inorganic URIC ACID' CBC (Hemogram/Plt/Diff) B-12 & Folate IRON, TIBC, % SAT (Transferrin) HOMOCYSTEINE, CARDIO FERRITIN Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) Vitamin B-6 (Pyradoxine) Vitamin A Vitamin D (25-hydroxy) THYROID PANEL (T3U, T4, FTI, TSH) ZINC MAGNESIUM SERIUM INTACT PTH CORTISOL HEMOGLOBIN A1C and suggested yearly a DexaScan for bone density. I would suggest you get these drawn as soon as possible and get with your PCP. My surgeon had lab work done on me at 1 week post-op, 3 wks, 3 months, 6 months and (soon) 1 year. You may also want to get your pre-op results and your OR report from your surgeon for further reference. You will find it handy to have them in the future. I will gladly e-mail you the paper I got this from if you send me address. [email protected] Good luck.
   — revgail

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