leg cramps

I am 13 weeks post op and suddenly experienced leg and muscle discomfort has anyone else experience this problem    — Nancy G. (posted on May 18, 2005)

May 18, 2005
Leg cramps (charlie horse) type of cramping number one reason is not enough water intake. Try increasing your water intake and see if that helps. If they are persistent it could be something more serious so make sure you speak to your PCP or your surgeon. Denise
   — dlryanoates

May 18, 2005
When I get leg cramps, it means I am low on Potassium. Try eating some yogurt or bananas. You might want to talk to your doctor because you may have to take a potassium supplement but talk to him first because too much or too little potassium is dangerous. Stormy :wave: 346/305/151
   — Stormy71

May 18, 2005
I was told to drink more water. I was having these cramps ALOT when I first started my walking regimen...I called my nutrionist and she said that it was most likely dehydration and I need to increase my water. I've never been one to get all my water in for the day but after the cramps hit, I made a concentrated effort the next day to really drink a lot and it did the trick.
   — karenisahogfan

May 18, 2005
Nancy, been there - done that and continue to have issues with cramping. My understanding is the 2 main reasons for cramping is dehydration and low potassium. I posted a message last night about dehydration, I know I have not been drinking enough so I'm having to force the fluids in. As of potassium, please discuss your blood work with your surgeon and if you haven't had any drawn in a while ask him/her to write up orders for you to have it done. Low or High potassium is very dangerous. I was put on a liquid potassium when mine was low and I have a call in to my Dr. office this morning to discuss some of these same symptoms. Best Wishes, Dana
   — cajungirl

May 19, 2005
If it is new and you are relatively post op, I'd call the doctor, just to make sure everything is ok. A blood clot can cause pain in the leg and as you have recently had surgery your risk is higher than the average person. Good luck, Sid
   — mrsidknee

May 19, 2005
I have not had my surgery yet, but have had problems with rest leg syndrome and have found that a combination of potassium and iron solved it. I would ask your Dr. before starting any new vitamins or treatment. Hope this helps :)
   — Angelfirewithwings

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