Does anyone know the daily requirements of protein, fats, carbs, etc. postop?

I'm trying to set up DIETWATCH.COM and all i really know is few carbs and fats (but need to put in numbers). I also know the calories shouldn't top 1200 or so. Anyone that can help thanks.    — Denise S. (posted on October 20, 2000)

October 20, 2000
Hi Denise. This is something that should be set up with your doctor and nutritionist, but I'll be happy to share my guidelines, which are very simple: 74 grams of protien, less than 42 grams of fat per day or 12 grams of fat per meal. I was never told how many carbs to restrict, although I do restrict them on my own. Sugar is less than 2 grams per meal. I've set my calories at 1000 per day. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

October 23, 2000
Denise, My surgeon has set these guidelines. 60 grams of protein, no more than 20 grams of fat, no more than 15 - 25 grams of carbohydrates, and around 1000 calories. Hope this helps. Becki
   — Becki S.

October 23, 2000
I've got a question about Becki's surgeon's guidelines. Becki, you said "60 grams of protein" (that's 240 calories), "no more than 20 grams of fat" (that's 180 calories) and "no more than 15-25 grams of carbohydrates" (that's 100 calories if you go for 25 grams) and no more than 1000 calories a day. My question is this: if you follow his guidelines, you are only consuming 520 calories a day. If you're going to, or are allowed to go up to 1,000 calories a day, where is it supposed to come from? Protein? That would be another 480 calories, which is another 120 grams of protein. Which would make your daily amounts 180 grams of protein, 20 grams of fat, 25 grams of carbs = 1,000 calories. How do you possibly get that much protein? In my opinion that carb number is VERY low. I agree that high glycemic value carbs like white rice and white bread are bad places to go, but there are GOOD carbs out there for people. Just my opinion.
   — BethVBG

October 23, 2000
Like the previous posts, I don't know what would be called "required" but for me, my goals are this...90 grams of liquid protein, 60 grams of carbs, and 20 grams of fat. I usually end up pretty close to that and my calories at 9 months post op are in the 1000 range. Volume is still more of a concern, after protein, for me. What are maintenance goals anyway? I am freaking out about almost being there.
   — S S.

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