Anyone want to create, or know a support group near Simi Valley?

Ok, I know my surgeon has a support group, but It's like an hour away and starts at 7 p.m. in Pasadena. I have to work full time and hardly ever get out of the buliding before 5:30. With traffic and all, it would be a nightmare! I was wondering if there is a support group closer to my area, or if the people from my area would join me in making a new one? Thanks!!    — Heather H. (posted on May 19, 2002)

May 28, 2009
I'm in Woodland Hills (San Fernando Valley), if we can get a support group started for maybe a weekend meeting that would work. I'm really interested in getting involved with a support group. I had surgery Feb 10, 2009 and doing great... but really would like to have some peers to discuss how things are going. email me and lets talk. [email protected] thanks, Robin
   — rbkbz13

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