so afraid had too many

I hade a barium x ray after lap banding and then at first fill. I am very afaid as I have just read you shouldn't have these type of x rays very often. Is there someone who know's if this is true. please answer if you can help THANKS    — Carol C. (posted on October 18, 2003)

October 20, 2003
I wonder where you read that? What issue were they talking about? Xrays in general, certain types of xrays, xrays for certain conditions? Was the statement specifically in regard to lap band testing? Where did you read it? Was the issue xrays done in a month, year, lifetime? Who made this statement? A qualified radiologic md? What was the context the statement was made in? There are so many parts to this question that need to be answered before you use your energy to be upset! You have started a wonderful adventure with your lap band and you're using up mental energy on this issue that you could be using in your new life. Be sure you get all the specifics on a statement such as "shouldn't have these type of xrays", before getting afraid. Also remember, if you read it in some general magazine/newpaper that you can find another bunch of magazines/newspapers stating the exact opposite and all swear they are the only ones who know the truth! The best thing to do is talk with an md who you trust and accept what they say. Or ask him to send you to talk with a radiologic md. I have had multiple barium swallow xrays for stomach problems for years before my surgery and never had any problems other than some contstipation from passing the barium. Obviously the fewer tests you get over the years the better. But no md will tell you not to have a needed test just because somewhere someone said you "shouldn't have these type of xrays very often". You may want to do more investigative work on this and speak with an md. I wish you all the best on your new life!! karen (open rny, 9/6/01, -151 lbs)
   — Karen M.

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