Approx. how much should we expect to loose a week

I think I am loosing very slowly. 3 weeks out and only a 20 pound loss. Compared to others, how much is an "average" weight loss?    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 15, 2001)

September 15, 2001
I had a VBG 3 months ago. I too felt like I was not loosing fast enough. My doctor told me that he does not want me to loose anymore than 6 - 7 pounds per month. I have lost right @ 40 pounds. The rate of loss also depends on how much you have to loose. I have heard that the more you have to loose, the faster it is going to come off. Hope this helps some. I have never lost 40#'s in 3 months before, so I am pretty pleased.
   — Keri N.

September 15, 2001
Congratulations! 20 lbs. is pretty darn good. Everyone is different. Height, weight, age, type of surgery, length of bypass (RNY), are among the various factors that affect the rate of loss. Ask your surgeon to estimate how quickly you should be losing. He/She knows a lot more about you than we do! LOL
   — Jonathan M.

September 15, 2001
I, too, had a VBG three months ago (June 11), and I've lost 76.5 lbs....everyone is very different with so many variables - ask your Dr what is "average" for you.....
   — Cathy J.

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