Should I wear a med-alert bracelt, what should it say and which arm?

I've heard posters mention getting a med-alert bracelet. Is it necessary? What should it say? Is there a specific arm you should wear it on? Where can I get an attractive one? My surgery is in 4 days. When should I get one?    — Kelley S. (posted on September 24, 2001)

September 24, 2001
I asked my doc about this and he said it's only in the beginning that we have to be careful of anyone putting a tube down our throats.
   — Sharon F.

September 24, 2001
I am 20 months post op and have a medic alert card in my wallet that my surgeon gave me. However, I am going to be travelling outside the country in November and again next summer, so I bought a necklace on-line for 11.95. It states, "RNY gastric byoass Do not blindly place NG tube-use endoscopy Allergic to demerol For more info call BTC 888-568-5005". It isn't 14 ct. gold, but it will do for what I want:)
   — M B.

September 25, 2001
Just thought I would share with the previous poster. If you bought it for going out of the country, they will not be able to call BTC on a toll-free number unless you're in Canada or Mexico. If Europe or elsewhere your best bet is to put 1- before the DIRECT number. 1 is the coutry code for the US and each country has it's own international prefix, like our is 011, Europe is 00 etc. etc. Toll Free numbers only work within North America and some territories such as US Virgin Islands. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

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