How long are we suppossed to weight after we drink our water, before we can eat

   — K T. (posted on October 13, 2001)

October 13, 2001
According to the paperwork my Dr. gave me, I'm supposed to wait at least 30 minutes between eating and drinking. I've read other comments on here that some wait for a full hour before drinking after eating. Thirty minutes has worked well for me. Either check with your Dr. or experiment as see what works best for you. You don't want to drink too soon and flush the food out of your new pouch. Good luck and I hope this helps.
   — Jennifer H.

October 13, 2001
Just throwing my vote in with Barb. I drink up to the first bite, then wait about 30 min. after the meal.
   — vitalady

October 13, 2001
Like Barb and Michelle I also drink right up until I start to eat and I have never had a problem. I am a heavy water drinker so it is very difficult for me to wait the right amount of time after I eat. It makes me sick if I drink to soon.
   — Tammy J.

October 14, 2001
Add me to those who drink right up until they eat. My doctor said I only had to wait to drink after I ate. I try to wait an hour but sometimes only make it to 45 minutes or so. Glad to hear that some of our successful people only wait 30 minutes.
   — georgiacarol

October 14, 2001
wow u guys wait short amount of time compared to what my doctor told me.. my doctor said i should wait 90min(or a hour and a half) to drink a after i eat so all the food will be out of the pouch.
   — Tabitha K.

October 14, 2001
My dr. also said no liquids 30 minutes before or after you eat. However, if you absolutely need something wet, keep ice chips around while you eat your meal -- that won't wash it out of the pouch like liquid rushing through it. Now I just ask for a glass of ice when I go to resturants. Sure, they ask me at least 3 times if I'm sure that's what I want. Sometimes I just tell them "I know this sounds weird, but all I want is a glass of ice." They look at me funny, but they bring it and I'm happy.
   — Betty Todd

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