Lets talk about chocolate -

I know we can't have it because of dumping. At least I assume we can't. I haven't tried and maybe someone can tell me if we can. But I'm also wondering if we can have carob instead.    — K T. (posted on October 18, 2001)

October 18, 2001
Chocolate...YUMMY! I have to say I have not tried regular chocolate and I am 9 wks out. Not because of dumping but because I am trying to stay away from the junk that got me here in the first place. Now Im not saying never give into a craving like a bite or two, but why would you want to eat it after all you have been thru. However, there are alot of wonderful sugar free chocolates out there that can satisfy the craving as well. Just thought Id give my 2 cents in this topic. Hope I did not offend you! Good Luck!And happy losing! :)
   — Melissa S.

October 18, 2001
Are you pre-op? I only ask because your cravings and taste will change once post-op. I for one, didn't like chocolate pre-surgery, never craved it, never bought it, and I didn't eat it - now I am not speaking of sugary or fatty treats in general (ie cheesecake, white cake w/ white frosting, vanilla shakes were eaten)- I did enjoy them! However, now that I am post op- the only thing I crave these days is CHOCOLATE. I will eat it too. But usually just one- in the miniature size- and that stops the craving and I don't dump on a small, small portion.
   — Karen R.

October 18, 2001
I am 85 days post op and 81 pounds lighter. I have eaten a kit kat and hershey kisses, so its not impossible. You can have some, just not all at once and really fast. Good luck!
   — Courtney W.

October 18, 2001
Oh boy can I eat chocolate. Fortunately I can only eat a little. My favorite chocolate treat is the fun size bags of M & M's the whole little bag only has 100 calories and 13g of sugar. So it doesnt make me dump and it fixes my craving. I dont know about carob, but with such small amounts of the real stuff satisfying you why would you even go there. Good Luck
   — Robin C.

October 18, 2001
I'm the one who posted this question. I should have added this to my question but forgot. I'm post op. And I haven't been craving chocolate, I was just reading another post from someone else and this question popped into my head. I wondered about subsituting carob for chocolate. Or is carob chocolate? Thanks, Kim
   — K T.

October 18, 2001
I dont crave chocolate anymore except under extreme stress, but am drinking a chocolate protein drink thats pretty good sweetened with splenda. Carbolite. Chocolate is ok in moderation. I dont dump but avoid sugary stuff, down 80 pounds since july 23rd.
   — bob-haller

October 18, 2001
I do not dump at all. I have eaten candy of all kinds and fats and I must say I am NOT one of the lucky ones who dump. You just have to say--one piece. I limit myself to one of the 'FUN" size pieces during my PMS phase. Moderation is the key.rose
   — rose B.

October 18, 2001
Hi. I also never dump on sweets (or fats for that matter). I consider myself "blessed" for that. As for chocolate, I eat it from time to time - usually a Mars Bar. Has it affected my weight loss? Maybe, but I don't really think about it anymore. I didn't go into surgery planning to look like an Olympic swimmer someday. I just wanted to look normal and "be" normal. If eating chocolate (and other evil stuff) has caused me to end up 7.2 pounds heavier than had I obsessed over my diet, well, frankly, that's a trade-off I'm glad I made. As for "carob", I'm sorry, I've never tried it. Good luck to you! Kevin
   — meilankev

October 18, 2001
Hi - I didn't want to experiment too far out with sugars - I know I can do 13 grams....however, try going to the candy isle of your the bulk candy section, they carry some sugarfree...I have had sugarfree chocolate covered raisens, peanuts - and sourpatch They are NOT that bad and curb my cravings for sweet and/or chocolate. Hope this helps, Karan 5 month post-op down 74
   — chance2lv

October 18, 2001
I was worried about my protein intake so I went to Walmart and found all kinds of protein supplements; candy bars to powders and also shake mixes ! They come in a varity of flavors and prices ! I tried several. My favorite is the Met-X powders and I mix them with skim milk in my blender. The candy is called Pure Protein bars and they cost about $1.50 each but I eat one just once in a while. I do not dump now; did in the beginning. I feel like I am getting something sweet yet getting my protein too. I had Open RNY on April 6th, 2001 and have lost a little over 100 lbs now ! I must be doing something right ! LOL! The main thing is I feel GOOD !!! Good luck! Connie
   — kountry

October 18, 2001
Go to GNC and get one of their low carb chocolate bars. I think they're called D'Lite or something like that? Anyway, there's dark and milk chocolate, and some with nuts. They're only 3 carbs. They're DELICIOUS. I hate "diet" food, but these taste like the real thing. Expensive, but worth it!
   — mom2jtx3

October 18, 2001
I'm with Courtney and her Kit Kat. I decided to try them post op as they seem to be less sweet. In fact I bought one, ate two little bits and put it in the freezer. I forgot about it for a month, then I ate the rest of it. This control post op is wonderful. ;) But I also found a chocolate carmel nut candy that I really love that's sugarless. Wal-Mart sells it the cheapest. It's called "Russell Stover's Pecan Delights". I tell you it is really great tasting and you would never know it's sugarless, it's that good. However, DO NOT EAT IT VERY OFTEN! Although it's sugarless, it is very high in fat and calories. A serving size is two pieces: Fat 12 grams, calories 170! So you could quickly defeat the Bypass but if you are careful and don't abuse it then this is a great tasting candy. Wal-Mart sells it the cheapest. A candy BOX is (I think) $5.38. However I would get two bags of it. Two bags is the same amount that is in the box and the bags are around $1.38! So you could get the same product at a 50% savings (if you get two bags). As far as your question about the carob chocolate, I don't know. I would rather have the real deal (chocolate) as just a taste satisfies and I usually don't think about it for ages afterward. Perhaps I don't think about it, because I don't deny myself.... you know, "you always desire what you are denied". ;)
   — Danmark

October 19, 2001
Just adding my 2 cents here....if you have to eat chocolate (if you are a woman with PMS then you know what I mean!) then I have found that Almond Joy is pretty satisfying without comes in two pieces so I eat one and then wait atleast 2 hours before I even attempt the 2nd piece...but usually I save it for the next day due to the "guilt" factor. But of course, this may not be for everyone...I'm just sharing my particular remedy when the nasty Chocolate Monster is on my back!
   — Tracey D.

October 19, 2001
Russell Stover Sugar-free Pecan Delights are very good. I do, however, eat a little chocolate now and then but I could NOT do this early postop RNY because of dumping. Now, I rarely dump and when I do, its not as violent as before. One thing I did early on was buy sugar-free fudgsicles and spread a teaspoon of creamy natural peanut butter on it. YUMMY! Carob should be ok too. Postop RNY is trial-and-error because we are all different. The important thing is to watch your overall caloric intake. I've found this surgery so FREEING with regards to diets. I pretty much eat whatever I want and I'm still losing at over 1 and 1/2 years postop. In fact, I've lost twice this month when I thought I'd pretty much stopped. I am in my ideal weight range. Best wishes to you.
   — Cindy H.

October 19, 2001
Chocolate was my drug of choice before surgery. some chocolate; some chocolate; some chocolate. I could go on but you get the picture. During my pre-op time I almost made myself sick eating so much chololate as I was sure I could never have it again. I had hoped that I would dump from sweets to keep me away from the chocolate. Well, so far I've never dumped, BUT I haven't pushed my luck! I do eat a small amount of chocolate every now and then - a fun size candy bar instead of a king size bar - a couple Hershey kisses instead of a bag of kisses. I do like the sugar free chocolate mentioned by some of the other posters. I recently went to the candy store in the mall and bought one sugar free caramel. The clerk looked at me like she'd never seen anyone buy one piece of candy before. Sorry I can't help you with the carob issue as I've never tried it.
   — georgiacarol

October 19, 2001
I, also don't dump on sugar. I pretty much stay away from it except during the PMS week:) Then- peanut M&M's are the chocolate of choice for me. The difference is, pre surgery I would eat a 1 pound bag in 1-2 sittings and now I can make a snack size bag last all day. I don't obsess about it, I enjoy them. I am 21 months post op, 10 pounds from goal, and haven't gained any weight from indulging my PMS cravings. However, if I am eating M&M's, then I don't have room for protein. So, I try and not do it all PMS week:)
   — M B.

October 20, 2001
I get my chocolate fix several times a day with my protein supps, but if I need texture to go with it, I use sugar free chocolate. There are good ones, and bad ones. I think I've tasted 'em all! But the ones I like are very satisfying for those events that are not covered by a protein shake.
   — vitalady

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