What is the difference between a guzzle and a gulp.

Meaning, if I take 3 gulps of water like one, swallow, wait two or three seconds, take a gulp, wait 2 or 3 seconds, take another gulp. Is this drinking too fast, and can my pouch be stretched this way. I ask because we have to use the water fountain at work and don't have much time to drink in between breaks. I try to sneak to the water fountain as often as I can, and work in extra fluids this way. Is this a bad habit?    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 3, 2001)

November 3, 2001
Why don't you bring your own glass or water bottle to work with you and get the water from the fountain and take it back if your office? You didn't mention why type of job you have ... if an office or if you're standing and meeting the public maybe there's somewhere you can put the glass/water bottle. Good luck ... you really need the water!
   — Betty Todd

November 3, 2001
I think the answer is: guzzling hurts, gulping does not. :-) That said, why are you "sneaking" to the water fountain? Water is a necessity for life. Do the smokers "sneak" out to their breaks? Just GO GET SOME WATER. If they give you a hard time, talk to them about the surgery you had and your requirement to drink 2 liters of water a day. That said, I can and often do drink 0.5 liters of water on the way to work, in 20 minutes, and again on the way home. That's half my water right there. Be persistent in your needs. Do they let pregnant women go to the bathroom more than three times a day? Get a drink in the restroom if necessary. Or get a new job. Your health is much more important.
   — Julia M.

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