Not getting sick from chocolate

Help!!!!!!!!!!! I can\'t stop eating all that \"stuff that\'s not good for me\". What is wrong with me???? I know now after 2 weeks ago eating a whole batch \"yes I know sick\" of chocolate chip cookies they just don\'t make me sick. The Doctor says \"sorry terri you are one of the very few who can eat sugar and not get sick\" That\'s just wonderful as chocolate is one of my addictions. I need to get this stuff out of the house. I\'m wondering if being some of our intestines are bypassed will this still cause me to gain weight???? My clothes are still fitting baggy as they were before I went on this eating frinzy. Is there anyone else out there who does not get sick from eating sugar???? I really need some help to use this tool to my advantage. I\'m almost 6 monts post op and done 69 pounds. thanks so much for the support and help terri Vermont    — Terri H. (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 26, 2001
See, you would never know you didn't get sick from chocolate if you didn't try it in the first place. Ok, now that that stupid sentence is out of the way (LOL) I'm truly feeling you on this one. I found out at 4 months that I could eat dessert and it didn't do a darn thing. My conscience won't allow me to eat the whole thing and fortunately I live alone so I don't allow it in my house! But over the holidays I found my way to chocolate covered pretzels, kisses, and 1/2 a Choc chip cookie. I think that what helps me is that everyone and their mother knows I had this surgery and are keeping an eye on me. Plus I'm so afraid of what will happen if I eat a CONCENTRATED amount of sugar that I just limit my sugar intake to "tasting only". The key is to keep the stuff out of your house. You said so know just what to do. Don't have it around as a temptation. All my choc eating this season occured AWAY from my house. And I literally COULDN'T eat as much as I wanted because I have my friends around to keep me accountable. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

December 27, 2001
Barb is right... get it out of the house and keep it that way. We are addicts of sorts and we do not have the willpower on our own to not eat it. I baked christmas cookies as I have for 20 years... I give tins of cookies as gifts. They are shortbread cookies and I am sure they dont have very many grams of sugar per cookie. I will eat one or two every day which is fine but I wish they werent in the house at all. However, I am VERY careful to not eat more than one at a time as I am very afraid of getting sick but I am even more afraid of knowing if I will be able to tolerate more. I DONT WANT TO KNOW. I dont actually have to taste the poison in order to see if it does what it says... I will take it at its own face value. Read some profiles and see what it feels like to dump... you wont want to go there! The moment of pleasure from the chocolate isnt worth the sickness and nausea and you never know when you will hit that threshold for tolerance.
   — SusanMaria

December 27, 2001
Wow - so glad to see someone else post I could have written it!! I didn't eat any candy or anything for quite some time after surgery. Now I'm approaching 6 months and have lost 70 lbs., and know that I CAN eat some of that crap! AND I love it, too!! This holiday season has been the worst!! The good news is I can't eat anywhere near the amounts I could before - and, as Barb Day mentioned, we're still in that "honeymoon" phase where we are going to lose almost no matter what we do. But, I do know that I need to change some behaviors! I wish the surgery would have done ALL of that for me, but it didn't. I find if I eat candy or fat-rich food on an empty stomach, I do get really sick. And I can't eat stuff that's too rich any time. But, boy, have I figured out the best way to get in some sweets -- I know how much protein I need to eat to protect my stomach....arrrrgggghhh!! Addictions are a tricky thing! I have made a committment to myself that when my houseguests leave on Saturday, it's a big cabinet clearing party and I'm back to the behaviors I know are going to be healthful for me in the long run. Thanks for brining this to light! Best of luck to you. Open RNY 7/17/01.
   — blee01

December 27, 2001
Hi. I have a similar 'problem.' I can eat almost anything. I am 10 months out and 110 pounds down. I see bad habits creeping back. My 50th birthday is in a week. After my big day, I am going to try to live a more Atklins-like existance. Carbs do me in! Sugar and startch beacon to me 24/7. Wish me luck!
   — Gail A.

December 27, 2001
Hi, Terri...I too don't dump on chocolate, which is my favorite food group :-) I have indulged a bit over the holidays (my friend makes this awesome fudge). But nothing like in the past (my first holiday season post-op). I guess my recommendation is to try to keep the stuff out of the house; I actually have thrown away a few things to do this. But please don't beat yourself up. My biggest concern for me if I indulge this way is that carbs seem to make my appetite go haywire and keep me hungry during the day. Good luck! Hey, holidays will be over and all those cookies will be stale eventually!--Mary Ellen, 341 5/2/01, 225
   — Mary Ellen W.

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