I'm 7 wks post op with no hair loss, is it ok to highlight my hair?

I'm 7 weeks post op and have gone from 269 down to 212 without any hair loss. I've been concentrating on protein,protein,protein, because I haven't wanted to lose my hair, been taking vitamins, and goings for B12 shots. I've just started biking up to 10 miles every couple of days and have been very active working out around the yard. Will highlighting my hair at this point cause any damage to it? Things are going so well I don't want to jeopardize, but it seems healthy enough--- what have some of you experienced????    — mam352001 (posted on June 7, 2002)

June 7, 2002
Hi, first congrats on your super weight loss. I am 11wks post-op (down 65lbs) and I had my hair colored at 9wks (single process color). I have no problems and best of all no gray! I don't see why you can't treat yourself to a highlighting. Good luck! Debbie
   — Deborah F.

June 7, 2002
You will probably not see hair loss until around 3-4 mos. out..... Personally I feel that hair is dead when it grows out, I don't see why coloring something that is dead; would affect the new growth. New growth I would think be affected solely by what you "are", i.e. what goes into your body. So if your hair is falling out, I wouldn't blame the chemicals (unless you get a really bad job and it fries your hair and THEN it will fall off)....
   — Karen R.

June 7, 2002
If you're going to lose hair, you won't see it happen until the 3rd month out.
   — artistmama

June 7, 2002
i colored my hair at 4 weeks.
   — candymom64

June 7, 2002
I highlighted my hair 8 days after surgery. I didn't have any problem. My hair was already coming out to the anesthesia.
   — Patty H.

June 7, 2002
I think it's fine to highlight your hair if you want to. Hairloss is not at all related to regular highlighting or hair coloring. I agree that anesthesia is to blame!!!! I had hairloss 21 years ago 3-4 months after my C-section too. As others have mentioned, hairloss can occur around months 3-6. At 3 1/2 mos. post-op I noticed hair in the drain. It's now been 3 weeks and I am still losing a small amount every day. I can definitely see my hairline thinning, but the way I blow dry my hair, it's impossible for others to see. So, barring any high winds in the office where I work, let's keep this our little secret, OK? And, remember-Thank God for BANGS!!
   — DianeN

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