Has anyone experienced reflux after surgery?

I am 17 months post-op and notice if I eat (even the smallest amount 1/2 hour - 1 hour before going to sleep, I experience reflux. I thought most people do not after surgery... I took 2 antacids when I first noticed it tonight, but the did not help and it felt like I had heartburn. TIA    — Rita B. (posted on July 4, 2002)

July 3, 2002
Is your stomach transected? If you're experience actual acid reflux (not just heartburn), it seems like the stomach acids are backing up into your esophagus, which can be a sign of staple line disruption. Now, don't panic, this is just one possibility. But, If your stomach is transected, I would suggest you check with your surgeon as to what may be causing this. Good luck.
   — Leslie F.

July 3, 2002
It could be that you still have food in your esophagus when you lay down.... It can give the feeling or discomfort , but not really be reflux. You need to see your doctor.
   — Linda M.

July 4, 2002
This is was what I experienced when I had a staple line disruption. I remember it well because I was soooo happy that the rny had solved that problem and I never had heartburn. Then, suddenly, I noticed a little heartburn and I KNEW. Also I quit losing and could eat more. Have your doctor order an upper GI or endoscopy to see what is going on. It could just be something minor but I didn't think we had acid in our pouches after rny. As another person mentioned #1 question: Are you transected? If you are it will not be a disruption. If you are not transected and just stapled, then it could be. Have you quit losing ? Have you gained any wt back? Good luck to you and if it is a disruption, don't worry it is fixable. AND NOT YOUR FAULT. God bless,
   — Marilyn C.

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