I am going for my 6 mth check up with my family Dr. Which labs to you have checked ?

I would appreciate someone sending me a list. Also how often do you get your bloodwork done. This is just a routine visit, I am feeling fine. Thanks for your help    — bsktofdreams (posted on July 19, 2002)

July 19, 2002
My surgeon actually gives me a list of blood tests that he wants performed and I have it done at my PCP's office. He typically does a CBC, B-12, thiamine, iron, potassium, protein, liver function tests and some other tests that I can't remember off the top of my head. He's always most concerned with my liver and kidney tests. If there ok, he's happy. I get the tests done every 3 months. At the beginning of the year (since I'll be post-op 1 year by then), he'll do them twice a year and then once a year thereafter.
   — Patty H.

July 19, 2002
Hi there, I am going to copy exactly what is on my order for bloodwork from my Dr.---Diagnosis Malabsorption 579.9 CBC-----ELECTROLYTES---GLUCOSE-----BUN---and CREATININE Hope this helps--good luck. Oh and I was told that I would have to have this done every 3 months for the first year.
   — Carolyn L.

July 20, 2002
According to the list my surgeon gave me to give to my doctor at my 6 month follow up, these are the tests she requires: Anemia; CBC; Chemistry Panel to include the following: Glucose, Calcium, Phosphorus, Bun, Uric Acid, Total Protein, Albumin, Total Calcium, Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Triglycerides, SGOT, SGPT, GGTP (Transpeptidase), Alkaline Phosphate, LDH, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride and Cholesterol. After surgery, she gave me the sheets for post-op follow ups for month one, month three, month six, month nine, one year post-op, and annually thereafter. I went to the same set of surgeons as Carnie Wilson so I trust their care.
   — Jennifer A.

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