Is there anyway to avoid having to have a tummy tuck?

I have not have surgery yet and was wondering is there anything to do to my skin to prepare it for the weight loss so that I won't need a Tummy tuck in the future? Does everyone need a TT after surgery?    — peggyp (posted on October 27, 2002)

October 27, 2002
Peggy, your profile doesn't give much information. How old are you? The amount of elasticity in your skin determines how saggy your skin will get. It is affected by age, genetics, previous weight loss and gain, abdominal surgeries, and pregnancy. I was told that you can kind of guess how saggy you'll get by the amount of stretch marks you currently have. If you are stretch mark free your skin will probably bounce back better than someone like me who add tons of them plus 3 previous abdominal surgeries.
   — LLinderman

October 27, 2002
A tummy tuck is truly an elective procedure. 'Need' isn't usually the operative (pun intended) word. Exercise, moisturize, and pray. If your body doesn't bother you you won't need or want a tummy tuck. If it does bother you, you will probably save aluminum cans to earn the money. There are a few medical problems that will encourage insurers to pick up the tab but most of those conditions can be handled without surgery if you really don't want another operation.<p>Your age, your genes, your skin's elasticity, and how much (and how often) it was stretched out of shape all contribute to what will hang and what will snap back.
   — phoebe

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