14 Months Post-Op.... how do you know if you've had a staple line disruption?

I'm gaining weight and it seems to have been all of a sudden. Oh, I've plateau'ed a thousand times but NEVER have I actually gained so much that I had to switch to a higher pant size..... I am VERY scared. If I could hear from some 1+yr post-ops regarding staple line disruptions or anyone who has actually had to have their RNY repaired, and how they knew that something wasn't "right" I'd greatly appreciate it.    — Ninna B. (posted on December 29, 2002)

December 29, 2002
I recently have regained a few pounds:( My dad is very ill and I started grazing on sweets. Hows your eating and exercise?
   — bob-haller

December 29, 2002
I have gained over 65 lbs. and had my original surgeon saying I was just not following the plan. Even meeting with the dietician and keeping a food log made her believe there was something "wrong", and I will admit I was also making bad choices but not enough to account for such a gain. I went for a second opinion and had a second endoscopy which went further down. This found that I had a bowel dilation which is acting like a second stomach---hence I am hungrier and able to eat LOTS!! The pouch is still the right size and intact (no disruption) but is "negated" so to speak by this enlarged section of bowel. I am having a distal revision on 2/7. I have asked questions to see if anyone else has had anything similar but have not gotten responses. With weight gains that are "dramatic", it may be worth exploring more than just dietary habits. Good luck!!
   — Joanne M.

December 30, 2002
First thing is to check your diet.. Are you still following the Pouch rules, of plenty of protein, water, exercise, low sugar and carbs? How is your snacking? If you can honestly say that your are following the rules and not doing much snacking, then ask your doctor to check it out. Do you know if you were transected? If you were then it is not a staple line disruption. There could be other reasons why the rapid weight gain. Your doc needs to help you with this. Good luck. I know how scared you must be..
   — Cindy R.

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