Has anyone learned any new info regarding post op dental health?

Over the last few months, there have been several Q&A postings on dental health. Many postops have rotting, cracking teeth, gum disease and bleeding gums, changes in the color of their teeth etc. Theories have been tossed around - lack of calcium, wrong kind of calcium, flouride rinses, flouride treatments at the dentist's office, high protein diet, stomach acid etc. Does anyone know anything for sure? Has anyone confirmed with their dentist that a specific treatment would be effective in keeping the teeth and gums strong and healthy post wls? Does anyone know of a dentist or oral surgeon who is researching the effect of wls on oral health? Currently I have strong enamel, healthy gums, few fillings, had very extensive oral(jaw)surgery and orthodontics 20 years ago. I am preop(aug7/03) and I'm seeing my dentist in 10 days. I am trying to gather some info/links that would be useful to him and to be able to suggest to him some kind of treatment that would be useful to me.    — mary ann T. (posted on June 9, 2003)

June 9, 2003
I spoke with my dentist before I had the surgery. My teeth are in good health and I would like to keep them that way. He told me if the vomiting started to become a daily thing to let him know. He could make a mold for me to put in my mouth at night to protect my teeth from stomach acid and so on. Hope this helps!
   — Lisa R.

June 9, 2003
All I know is I have good teeth and want to keep them that way. Growing up I was always told that if I threw up to brush my teeth or rinse with water to get the acid off my teeth.
   — Sarahlicious

July 23, 2008
Dental issues are essential when considering diet and drastic weight reduction whether through diet alone or surgery. We are currently conducting a study to use for an updated article with bariatric surgery weight loss patients and assosiated dental problems and are recruiting patients to participate in the program. This Fall, we will be conducting a lecture series as well to help promote good dental health in your journey of weight loss. For more information, please contact me at [email protected]. Best of Luck to all!!!
   — OutPirate

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