Seeking Advice from Those Who Have or Had Ulcers

I think I have an ulcer and, boy, does it HURT!!! (I see my doc for official diagnosis tomorrow.) It seems to get better when I eat something, and worse when I drink coffee. How did the ulcer affect your life. Please give me details as to your diets, medical regime, etc. etc. How serious is this?    — rebeccamayhew (posted on July 20, 2003)

July 20, 2003
Yep. Sounds like an ulcer to me. Coffee sent me to the ER. Crackers usually helped. I can be serious if left untreated. I was very close to perferating my stomach, and that leads to internal bleeding, infection, and death. I was treated with a prescription drug (Previcid) for 30 days and stayed away from coffee. Now I can tell when I have an ulcer coming on and get my prescription filled. That usually takes care of it. I just had WLS over two weeks ago, so I hope not to get another one, but the doc has me on the meds again just to be safe. Good luck at the doc tomorrow.
   — Jennifer H.

July 21, 2003
Rebecca, ulcers can give various symptoms and problems. I had a marginal ulcer that was perforated (very rare) but obviously very severe. I had to have emergency surgery to repair the hole and now 8 months later I still take medicine and deal with symptoms. That's not to scare you- and I hope it didn't, believe me you'd know if you had what I had. But what happned to me is not the case for most, as medicine will correct the problem or relieve symptoms- usually Prevacid or Nexium. I'm sure something like Nexium will help you almost completely. I really don't have problems with much food, but it always feels better when there is food in my stomach, so I eat about every 2 hours. As for diet, it all depends. I really cannot do gassier/spicier foods much though. Some doctors believe diet has everything to do with ulcers, some believe it has nothing to do. Medicine should help you a great deal though, with symptoms and further prevention. Feel better!!
   — Lezlie Y.

July 21, 2003
I developed an ulcer in my small intestine just outside my pouch at about 6 months post op. It was the most painful experience of my life. It took several months for the diagnosis to even be made. Nothing showed up on the upper GI, I had to have a scope to actually find it. I was treated with prevacid for several months to see if it would correct the problem...I eventually had to have it removed. I was out of work the entire time due to the pain and the fact that the vicodin or lortab would not aleviate even a small amount of the pain. I was actually taking 3-5 per dose just to knock me out so that I would not feel the pain. My surgery to remove the ulcer was last September. I still have problems from time to time. Usually with coffee. I'm sure I have developed another, but i take prevacid daily now...and that usually helps. No more vicodin for me. :) I dont want to scare you either....but demand a scope if they are doing tests. Any yes, it can be quite serious. But usually its not.
   — RebeccaP

July 23, 2003
Thanks so much to all who responded to this question...I have GREAT news! After just ONE dose of Prevacid yesterday, I was pain free! And no pain today! I am sooo happy! I thought I was doomed to be in pain forever. Anyway, thanks again.
   — rebeccamayhew

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