Has anyone had to have a temporary pacemaker inserted before gastric bypass surgery?

I experienced a "cardiac event" at the beginning of my laproscopic RNY procedure in which my heartrate dropped to only 3 beats per minute. My doctor said it was the result of a rare nervous system reponse to anesthesia and/or the gas they used to inflate my abdomen. They gave me atropine and my heartrate stablized but they abandoned my procedure and sent me to ICU overnight. I've had extensive testing and they can't find anything wrong with my heart but now say they will have to insert a temporary pacemaker before they try my RNY again. Has anyone had a similar experience?    — etaylor58 (posted on July 27, 2003)

July 27, 2003
Hi Elizabeth, I will be very interested in the responses you receive to this question. This very thing happened to my friend just 3 weeks ago as she was undergoing Open RNY. Her heart actually stopped during surgery so they had to close her incision and abandon the procedure. After many tests, the cardiologist found nothing wrong with her heart and concluded that it was a reaction to the anesthesia or that she has a sensitive "vegus nerve"...a nerve which can affect the heartbeat. He told her she could still have the RNY, but she'd have to have a temporary pacemaker put in. Understandably, she's scared now...I would be very interested to know what you decide to do. Email me if you like. Thanks and good luck to you. Bonnie LapRny 5/6/03
   — Bonnie R.

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