
   — Shirley F. (posted on August 31, 2003)

August 31, 2003
You might want to post this on the DS forum on this website and also That is where you will find the most DS and DS/BPD people. There is also a Yahoo group for DS people but I do not remember the name of it. Good luck in getting some answers. I'm sure people in those groups can help you.
   — zoedogcbr

August 31, 2003
I had the BPD on 06/23/03. I don't know what all specific questions you have, but feel free to email me and I can help you with what I can. But I will say that this is the best choice I have ever made for myself and I don't feel like I'm having to give up the things I love!
   — Melissa M.

August 31, 2003
I had the BPD/DS on 09/26/02 and have lost 125lbs to date. I am able to eat normal amounts of food, including fats and carbohydrates, but if I overdo it on these I have increased bm's and gas. I do not suffer with dumping syndrome. I did have lactose intolerance for the first few months post-op but this resolved itself. As with any of the WLS, you must do your research and decide which procedure will best suit your lifestyle. Everyone is different and must be responsible for their own decision. Ask lots of questions and do lots of research. There really are no right or wrong answers regarding which procedure is the "right" procedure. Good Luck!!
   — Theresa A

August 31, 2003
Do you mean the BPD or the BPD/DS? The BPD is essentially a distal RNY with a larger pouch. The BPD/DS, or simply DS, has a normal stomach, reduced in size, and a rearranged intestine similar to distal RNY, but different too. Kinda confusing! has diagrams and full explanation, including a history of WLS that is pretty interesting. I think BPDers have to reduce fat intake (not sure), but most DSers do eat plenty of fat. I track my food on and about half my calories come from fat. We don't absorb most of it so it doesn't affect our weight loss.
   — Chris T.

September 1, 2003
Oops, forgot to mention the outcome! LOL Pre-op, age 54, height 5'8", I was 378 lbs, BMI 57, size 38/6X, size 10.5-11 W or WW shoe. I had sleep apnea (CPAP), hypertension (1 med), got bronchial asthma at the drop of a hat (used inhalers daily), short of breath with the slightest exertion, exhausted and sweaty after a shower, could not stand more than about a minute (foot, knee, lower back pain; one arthritis med), prediabetic, severely depressed despite 2 antidepressants, and had not worked for seven months and was a complete recluse.DS on 6/11/02. Off CPAP and all meds since. All disease conditions gone. I work 11-hour days and could work overtime on my days off if I wanted to--I don't want to! LOL I'd rather hike, shop, visit, garden, and rediscover life. Weight on 8/2 was 223, BMI 34. Wear size XL/16-18, shop in the Misses dept. Shoe size 9.5-10 M. Walkd 1.5 miles the other evening, would have walked back home but it was 11pm so I took the bus. I eat totally normally, really enjoy my food, potlucks are fun--I talk to people instead of hang out at the food table, but I eat whatever looks good. I am ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with the DS!!
   — Chris T.

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