Where can I Buy the ISOPURE Liquid Drink?

I got a bottle of Grape Isopure liquid drink the other night at a support meeting and forgot to ask where she bought it, it was GREAT!! It is liquid Grape and she said it comes in different flavors, it taste just like grape Kool-Aid and the best part of it was no Carbs are calories. And 40 grams of Protein in this one bottle. So if someone could help on this , it would be greatly apprecaited. Thanks Christine:)    — blainejrjeni (posted on January 8, 2004)

January 7, 2004
My husband buys them at GNC and other nutritional stores around our area. Check those stores out. If you have no luck there, go to, click on where to buy at the bottom. They also make an isopure sport with 20 grams of protein and no carbs. They market this more to women. Good luck! Annie
   — ruokannie

January 7, 2004
I have been drinking these for 6mo. they are GREAT! You can get them at GNC @ $3.50 a bottle buy them with the GNC gold card from the 1-7 of every mo. and get 20 % off. The BEST 2 flavors are the Grape frost & Blueberry they rest I can not stand them. I also drink the powder ISOPURE but buy it WAY CHEAPER @ $24.99 compared to GNC $49.99 hope this helps ya!
   — Janine Greenwood

January 7, 2004
I love the Isopure zero carb drinks. My favorites are the Blue, Alpine punch and grape. I get mine at Vitamin shoppe, the can run from $2.60 to $3.00 a bottle, a little expensive but well worth it. I drink a bottle a day ( half in the morning, half in the afternoon.) Sometimes 2 bottles if my weightloss needs a kick in the I just wish it would come in a sports bottle instead of a glass bottle. RNY 5/15/03 down 106 lbs. :-)
   — KellyJeanB

January 8, 2004
You can get discount isopure products at
   — magicaldragonfly

January 8, 2004
i buy it at gnc stores. love it and love those 40g of protein per bottle!
   — Diana D.

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