Can NOT getting in enough protein cause one to plateau?

Week before last, I only took in the protein I ate with my meals (which, being less than two mos post op, is not very much). Before that I was using a protein shake that started giving me trouble (constipation) but I was losing the weight. I didn't lose weight at all that week I didn't take in the protein although I still didn't change my eating habits at all. I've found a better protein (for now) and I've noticed a 5 pound weight loss in a week. I was wondering if not taking in enough protein cause someone to plateau? Thanks HUGS Terri    — tinky471 (posted on February 7, 2004)

February 7, 2004
Yes, it can. AS long as our bodies think they are well nourished, they have no reason to hoard the calories. We are quite adept at hoarding as it is, thank you very much. So, the better nourished we are, the more out bodies think everything is going along fine and it can let go of a dab of fat here 'n there.
   — vitalady

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