Uncontrollable shaking in arms/hands - help!

Last night I went to the store, feeling fine. Came home and brought what few groceries I did, in the house. I went to the bathroom to wash my face, and I started to shake. Felt like inside was shaking and visibly my hands were shaking as well. My husband (who is "naturally" thin said it might be because the items were too heavy, and this made a reaction with my muscles in my arms, like spasms - has anyone else had this happen before? As soon as it started I was drained completely - had to lay on right arm (shaking the most) so it would calm down! Open RNY 8/5/03 244/158    — Maryjean (posted on February 12, 2004)

February 12, 2004
How long had it been since you had eaten? I know some folks develop hypoglycemia after WLS and from what I understand, that can cause some serious shaking. I have had a similar experience when I had gone without eating for several hours then exerted myself. It cleared right up after I ate something though. You might have your doctor check for hyglycemia.
   —  SCbabe B.

February 12, 2004
It might be low potassium too. Potassium is vital to muscles (if I understand correctly). The first six months I ended up in the ER twice for low potassium. IT is VERY dangerous. Do check it out with a blood test or ask your doc. I think it's possible to have a heart attack with low potassium. But I could be wrong. I get the shakes and take potassium pills right away.
   — Danmark

February 12, 2004
Hi--You need to see your doctor, hon. Either of the previous posters could be right, although low potassium usually causes cramps rather than shakes...but, he's right, it can cause a heart attack. Low B12 could be the culprit, too. In any case, it needs to be checked, and soon. Hope you feel better soon.
   — Linda S.

February 12, 2004
This happens to me when my blood sugar drops. For me, it generally happens if I'm not eating right, ie. I've eaten a high carb meal with minimal protein, then awhile later I get the crash. Gets me right back on track with the protein!
   — mom2jtx3

February 13, 2004
I have a friend that is a diabetic and she gets shakes when her sugar is too low. This matter needs to be brought to the attention of your doctor.
   — Carolyn B.

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