What if you don't disclose a behavioral center stay?

I voluntarily went to a behavioral health center for depression, but my psychiatrist doesn't know about it. She thinks I am bi-polar and is treating me for it. Will the surgeon be able to find out about my stay, and if so, will it ruin my chances for WLS?    — lexi73162 (posted on August 30, 2004)

August 30, 2004
Just my thoughts but why would you not want to disclose it? Your medical staff is there to help YOU and the more they know, seems to me, the better they could help. Many, many of us have struggled with depression so I can't see how it would hurt for them to know that. If you were referred to the center by your PCP, it's probably in your medical records anyway.
   — scbabe

August 30, 2004
Just a couple of thoughts... <br><br> You are going to get out of your therapy what you put into it... so why wouldn't you be honest with your psychiatrist? She cannot properly treat you if you are not completely honest. <br> Your mental health is part of your overall well-being... why wouldn't you want your surgeon to know? I know plenty of people with extensive histories of behavioral health issues (myself included) and that has not prevented a surgery from taking place. <br> I do, however, know of enough instances where not resolving a lot of issue before surgery can come back to haunt you. Examples: addictions (food and otherwise), OCD, etc., mood disorders. <br> It is to YOUR advantage to be completely honest when it comes to your well-being. How can you expect your docs to the best job possible if you are not going to trust them? Seeking help for a behavioral health issue is nothing to be ashamed of, and depression in the obese community is not exactly a surprise. Again, speaking from the heart, since I have been there myself. <br>Good luck to you and your decisions about your health.
   — kultgirl

August 30, 2004
I can't tell you how important it is to be honest. After this surgery there are a lot of issues that will come (addictions and emotional issues). I'm 16 months post - op and dealing with food issues and how to deal with my emotions, which when I eat I used food. I really think some people who have this surgery do not realize that these issues if not resolved can lead them back to their old eating habits. Be honest because I'm concerned that once you have this surgery you will not be able to handle the emotional effects of this surgery. Good Luck!
   — Linda R.

August 31, 2004
I would tell them about the depression treatment. I took depression medication prior to surgery and it was fine. I think they actually look for that kind of thing because depression is a big side effect of being overweight. I think it would only help you get the surgery. Julie Glennie Lap RNY 3/17/04 - 341/244/155
   — Julie Rich

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