7 weeks post op TT/HR - pain issues??

After 7 weeks from full abdominoplasty/BIG hernia repair, (17 pounds removed, cut almost all the way around like a LBL) I still have extreme feeling of tightness, numbness around cut lines, and the feeling that when I touch some areas of skin, I am "touching" other places, kind of like "phantom" pain, wierd...also, had drain #2 in until last week, now have even more swelling after its question is: according to my PS, I am doing, "fine", its normal to have these kinds of things happening and no true finished product is actually available to see until about 3-4 months and maybe even longer. Still on doctor-sanctioned pain meds, although much less than before, still wearing binder all the time. (hurts not to) any thoughts, encouragement etc... HELP!    — donnalawbabe (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
I'm sorry I can't help you. But I'm really interested in your recovery, I'm going in on Sept 23 for the hernia repair and complete abdominal plasty. I do wish you well.
   — Amy Hoffman

September 13, 2004
you sound pretty normal to me- i had tt in feb and still have that weird numb feeling- i know from other surgeries that it can take a year or more for the skin to feel normal again- i still have numbness around an old c-section scar that is 15 years old! and i would say it took about 6 months to really see the final results- don't worry!
   — Treva F.

September 13, 2004
Sounds very normal to me too. I'm 4 months post-op LBL, BL, and Inner Thigh Lift (pantyline incision). I still have numbness around my torso, not as much around the back but definitely in the abdomen. I also have phantom pains, so to speak, on my right outer thigh where he did some lipo. I had phantom drains for several days after having them removed. I had them in 3 weeks and, once they were out, I would still feel them "pulling" if I moved too far in one direction or another, or tried to position myself in a certain way. It took probably 3-4 days to re-program my brain that the drains weren't there anymore and I had full range of motion. As for the swelling - the drains were removing fluid from your body. Without the drains, the fluid is building up in your body. Simple as that. Your body will deal with it and it will eliminate itself from your system one way or another. Be patient because the swelling lasts for a long time. At 4 months, I still have swelling on some days. You'll do just fine. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 13, 2004
I am 5 weeks postop from my abdominalplasty. I was cut outer hip to outer hip. I still have extreme numbness in my tummy area and soreness on my hip and drain areas. One day I can be flat and the next I can be very swollen. My surgeon told me this is normal and give it up to 6 months for the final results. I also had a lot of swelling once he took out the last drain, but it went away within a week. He has me wearing a heavy-duty girdle during the day (at my request) and the binder at night. The binder was driving me crazy because it kept riding up during the day. Without support I swell up quickly, like after a 20 minute shower my tummy starts to poof out. Good luck and you sound "normal" to me.
   — ckreh

September 14, 2004
I agree with the other posters, I am 2 weeks out tt, 3 hernia repair, and muscle tightening. I still have 1 drain, I am still numb around my tummy, and wear my binder 24/7 I would hate to be without it,lol. My ps informed me I would have experiances like you are having, but I havent used any pain meds since 2 days post op, and that possably even after the last drain was out I may have to come in and get excess fluid asperated. She said it would be no biggie, it happens to some people. If it seems like too much swelling to you, and it doesnt seem to be going down, call your ps and see what they have to say about it. It will probably take several months for all swelling to go down. Good luck.
   — wizz40

September 14, 2004
The numbness may never totally go away. While things feel pretty normal now my LBL area is still quite tight and if I gain even a few lbs I know it! At times the skin over my left hip bone hurts also as it's tight and might burn some. Normally the only time I notice the numbness is when my husband is rubbing across those areas as I don't toally feel it. It's weird because a few inches above and below and the sensation is normal but right on it, it varies. I was worried about the numbness and that it would always feel strange but you get used to ti. Keeping a compression garment on for swelling control and for support (mentally more than physically because it just feels better) is important. Rather than just a binder I would think a garment that covers the whole lower and upper abdomen area would be best. I had to wear one that went from my calves to just under my breasts for a long time. It sure felt good at the end of the day when I would be a little swollen. I used it consistently for about 2 months and usually at night for another month or more. I had my LBL on Feb 23, 2004 and an upper abdominoplasty and major leg lipo on June 7, 2004. I'm recovering nicely from both and scheduled for the leg skin removal on Nov. 10th, 2004.
   — zoedogcbr

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