I just had a consult with PS for LBL,

He said he might have to make a vertical incision down my belly in order to achieve a really good result without the incision the results may be not as good. I want good results but i dont want a long scar down my abdomen because i dont want to have "cover up" my body anymore. Originally i wanted a tummy tuck and thigh lift. the LBL was reccomended. Can anyone share their experience? what type of incisions did you have? are you happy with the results?    — kim F. (posted on September 15, 2004)

September 15, 2004
I had the LBL without the vertical incision. I was sure this was the way to go because the hanging skin all seemed to be below my waist. I'm a couple of years out now, and wish I had had the vertical incision as well. My waist isn't as small as I would like, and I sometimes have trouble finding pants that fit around my waist. My PS says she'll do some lipo for me around the waist if I want, and although my results are really beautiful, if I had it to do again, I would have gotten the vertical incision as well (since I've never shown my tummy off anyway!)
   — mom2jtx3

September 15, 2004
I went with the vertical incision with my LBL because I felt I'd wind up with a "pooch" or roll above a flat belly if I didn't, which I thought would look worse than a vertical scar and be hard to deal with clothing-wise to boot. Three out of four of the PS I had consults recommended a vertical incision to me for that same reason, but there was a 4th who thought he could do the job without it. Maybe you could do some more consults until you find someone who thinks a good result can be achieved without it, though I still think there's a risk that you won't get the best result that way -- I think it's impossible for any PS to really guarantee how it'll come out before they start cutting on you and by then, ooops, zzzzzzz, you're *out* like a light and can't contribute to the decision at that time.<P>I can see where this would be a tough call if you really don't want the vertical scar. But I do think there's a considerable risk your choices are, scar and flat result, or no scar and roll hanging above flat belly. It's possible that the third choice you seek -- flat all around and no scar -- may be somewhat elusive, especially for us former M.O. folk with lots and lots of loose skin and (probably) distended abdominal muscles. Good luck.
   — Suzy C.

September 15, 2004
I had a LBL in July without the vertical incision.My abdomen is flat and my waist is defined. Most of my excess skin was below my waist, so I am very pleased.If you have a fair amount of excess skin above the waist, you would get better results with the anchor incision. It's easier to cover a scar than to cover the roll of skin above your waist.Clothing fits better also.Get 2 consults and then make your decision. Good luck.Isn't life great on the thin side?
   — dianne E.

September 15, 2004
I had an abdominoplasty with just the hip to hip incision. I had a great spare tire above my waist, and I made it clear to my plastic surgeon I really wanted that gone, probably ethan I wanted a flat stomach and the pannus gone! I am about 6 weeks post op, and my spare tire is comepletely gone, I have a flat stomach and my pannus is gone. I couldn't be happier with the results. I had quite a bit of muscle work done. I had a 13cm by 3cm diastasis recti (separation of the upper abdominal muscles ) repaired, as well as repair of a small umbilical hernia and removal of 5-6 lbs of tissue. In my opinion, it's nothing short of a miracle.
   — koogy

September 16, 2004
I had an extensive tt with no veertical incision and I am very unhappy with my results I have teh spare tire look so much so I am seeking a second opinion. My ps wouldnt do the vertical and I didnt insist now I wish I had. think long and hard before you decide as I would rather the scar than this roll. I had 11 pounds removed during the tt. Good Luck, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

September 16, 2004
Hi Kim, Do not sweat the vertical incision as mine is basically invisible. I can wear two piece things and no one would easily know that there is a cut there. However, that's not the same case as with my 360 degree horizontal incisions from the LBL and the upper pannus removal. Those are quite noticeable and colored but lightening over time. However, I am sure they will always be visible. My vertical incision from my open RNY was very noticeable but the new incision done by a PS, it's basically gone. The PS used glue to close the surface which for me was the key, as I maintain marks from stitches and staples forever. That's just how my body is. So don't assume an incision from a PS will look anything like an incision from a general or WL surgeon. At least that's my experience. <p>I not only had the vertical incision but I basically had two body lifts on the torso. One from the belly button down (including the lateral thighs) and a wedge taken out above the waist and then a 2nd stage that did a body lift above the waist to remove the remaining roll in the front and the huge blobs I had around the back under the bra line. Consequently I have cuts that go all the way around in 2 places - high and low. I ended up with this situation because my waist was always anchored down very tight and had not stretched much. Therefore they could not loosen the upper skin and pull everything down like they normally do. Both areas had to be directly excised. My insurance covered the full extended abdominoplasty done in two stages, so I just had to pay the lateral thigh portion of the LBL. <p>I'm now 3+ months PO from the 2nd surgery that removed the upper panni and am faced with a revision. The surgeon had everything nice and tight but the quality of skin I have (super stretchmarked) has given in and I have a small roll in the front, which bugs the heck out of me because I like to wear fitted things now. I just saw the surgeon yesterday and he's going to redo the upper body lift work, recontour my waist and a little of my back with lipo and then cut off more skin widthwise and also repull everything up. This time he is going to anchor evrything to much deeper tissue so it will stay. He said I will likely have a dimple below each breast but that it would only be seen when lifting the breasts and looking under them. That I can live with, rather than the roll. The best part is all I have to pay for is the small amount of lipo work and the surgery center charges as he is doing his work on the revision at no charge. I was pleased with that. Granted I will be paying him to do the legs so he'll be getting some money but it will save me quite a bit not having to pay for the redo. It's not like he did anything wrong in the first place, it's just the quality of the skin I have, so he could have easily said I needed to pay for it. I guess it really is good to have a perfectionist for a PS as he wants things to look as good as possible. It's a pride thing for him to know he has helped me get the best possible shape I can. I really will be his extreme makeover when everything is done. LOL
   — zoedogcbr

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