How do I get back on track?

I first want to say I appreciate everyone's phone calls..You all are awesome. I seem to have gotten off track somewhere. I'm so ashamed and embarrassed,. That is another reason I couldn't bring myself to post...not to mention the mental and physical changes that I have been going through. I'm seeing BOTH a psychiatrist and a psychologist because of an incident (of a sexual nature) that occurred on my job in January 2004. The incident brought childhood abuse issues to the forefront that I had been keeping concealed and repressed. When it finally came out, I couldn't handle it. I'm so thankful that my husband was there for me. Now, I've found out several things: 1) the medication I'm on has contributed to 'some' of my weight gain, 2) I seem to be able to eat more, & 3) I JUST CAN'T see myself going throught the agony of gaining all of that weight back!! I'm wondering if there are any of you out there that have been through the same thing-{gotten off track}. January 13, 2004, I weighed 132lbs; just 7 pounds short of my goal! Now, as of today 11/5/04, I'm back at 162lbs., and I don't like it AT ALL! ~~~Hadiyah, a.k.a. "YourDivaness" Royale    — yourdivaness (posted on November 5, 2004)

November 5, 2004

November 5, 2004
I know about how you feel,I too have been going through some depression lately and feel as though I can eat anything and also like i'm putting on weight instead of taking it off.I went from 249lbs,2/04/04 to 170lbs,11/06/04 and I hate myself for feeling like this.Feel free to email me and we can try to support each other([email protected])
   — cameo

November 6, 2004
Sorry to hear to you're going through a rough time, but at least you are getting some help. That is the first step in getting back on track. What medication did they give you? That can cause weight gain, as I have first hand experience with that! There are some that actually can cause you to lose weight. If you want to email me, please feel free to. I see a psychiatrist(every two weeks) and psychologist(every week) and sure know how life, both childhood and adulthood, can change the course of one's life. Best of luck to you!
   — sunkissed kid

November 6, 2004
I know we have talked about this, so no nagging, just that reminder: love & kisses, that meanie in your life
   — vitalady

November 6, 2004
Oh, I really know what you are going through. I gained about 20 pounds over the last few months from Depakote, a new medication I was on. I was so...depressed and felt defeated. However, the Pdoc tried a new medication and I'm feeling better and don't have the horrible cravings and grazing problems I had. First off...remember WE CAN GET BACK ON TRACT THAT IS THE BEAUTY OF THIS SURGERY. And when we do get back on track it comes off and is easier to manage than our past lives. Please email me anytime. What medication caused the weight gain and increased appetite if you don't mind my asking? Take care and keep believing you are not alone and don't beat yourself up for being human and having a bump in the road. Clear away the debris and take it one day at a time.
   — Karen Renee

November 6, 2004
i have gained back 40 pounds in the last year. i was down to 151, my personal goal was 150. i'm now at 193 and am mortified by it. i am on effexor and they increased it a few months ago. i want to eat non stop. i eat because i'm depressed and am depressed because i's a catch 22. good luck to us all!!!
   — candymom64

November 8, 2004
Well, you have taken the first step and come back and admitted you need help. Its all control. You are out of control so what you have to do is take little steps towards regaining that control. Take it in small steps. If you try to do everything at once, sometimes thats just overwhelming and too stressful. If you have stopped exercising, then start up again. Walk once around the block every other day, then do it every day, then work up to 2 times around the block...get it, start slow and work your way up. Don't listen to mental excuses. JUST DO IT. I'm the first one to say, I'm tired, its too late, I've got a cold, etc, etc...bottom line, no excuses, just do it. Join a gym that is on the way home from work so you have to go by it. Whatever it takes ! Get the junk food out of the house. Fill the house with healthy stuff that is easily reachable, like cut up veggies, fresh fruit, yogurt, peanut butter crackers, make some fun protein drinks with mixed frozen fruit. And most importantly, eat every few hours. I find that if I don't do this, then I get hungry and the hungrier I get, the more I eat and the less healthy choices I make. Carry around snacks with you, like the protein bar or pb crackers, for when you can't just stop to eat. And make a rule at meals to eat protein first. Dense protein fills you. I often find that if I eat all my protein first, I'm not hungry anymore for the carb or just take a bite or two. These are just some helpful tips that I use. Bottom line, no one can do this for you, Hadiyah. The willpower, and control comes from within. Dont waste any more time lamenting or being ashamed, just put your plan into play and JUST DO IT. We are here for you!
   — Cindy R.

May 19, 2005
ORIGINAL POSTER HERE: Just checking in to see if there's been any new activity (responses) to this inquiry
   — yourdivaness

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