Do you have a close friend or friends that is/are your

'cheerleader(s)? One of my friends that I told about the WLS (mine was in September 2002) called me last week!!!! I'm so excited!! She is sooo pretty! I get kinda sad that I *ballooned* after I was doing so well, but this is a NEW DAY! Have you been an inpsiration or mentor to someone and have "fallen and having trouble getting up" from resorting back to those bad eating habits? BTW, she is a member of this website: Princess Griggs! She is one of the many 'cheerleaders' that are encouraging me these days~and it's working!! Proximal LAP RNY 9/3/02 5'2" 265/182/115-126...for now, I'm holding again! Hadiyah McCutcheon, a.k.a.~~    — yourdivaness (posted on May 17, 2005)

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