diverticulosis and surgery?

I have just been approved and I will be having surgery on the 19th of august, and I have diverticulosis has anyone had any complications due to this before or after surgery?    — melindameyers (posted on July 26, 2005)

July 26, 2005
I have it and still had open RNY, no problems at all PO. Now, I do not know if you are saying that you have diverticulitis (the infection) at this time, if so your doctor may delay your surgery until you have it cleared up. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

July 27, 2005
As you've already read, diverticulosis is a pre-condition and I've got that; but it's never acted up & become full blown DIVERTICULITIS. I had a very uneventful & successful laproscopic RNY 2/13/05 & diverticulosis never seemed to have anything to do with the procedure, recovery or success! All the best, Lauralyn 5'9.5" : 280/147; size 3x/8
   — EmbodySuccess

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