I have pre-op pain in my upper right rib cage area that goes to my back

I went to th ER because of the severe pain I was having on my right side under my rib cage and the pain goes threw to my back, I had my gallbladder removed in 2002 so that was not it, they took blood, x rays, and a cat scan and could find nothing wrong. I know that should be enough but its not im having surgery on the 19th of Aug and the pain and pressure is still there with no explanations, has anyone ever had this?    — melindameyers (posted on July 26, 2005)

July 26, 2005
Is it possibly GERD? Mine (GERD) would mimic what my gall bladder attacks were like.
   — ChristineB

July 26, 2005
It could be severe gas. Severe gas can make someone feel like they are having a heart attack, so it only makes since that it could give someone such pain in the area you are talking about. Have you tried a heavy duty gas relief, like Phazime, or gas x.
   — cindy

July 26, 2005
I had almost the same pain as you described. It was a good while before my surgery, maybe 6 months. My doctor told me it could have been a pulled muscle. She said to wait a few weeks to see if it went away if not then she would send me for tests. It went away as she said and hasn't bothered me since. Lisa Bruzzese
   — lbruzzese

July 26, 2005
Well you really need to see a doctor as we can only "guess". I had the same type of pain one summer. There were all kinds of blood tests and xrays. Come to find out, an xray showed I was full of sh##. (Most guys are anyway right?) LOL. Anywho, that is one possibility for you, but again, you really need to see a doctor. It could be something serious, or not. Good luck.
   — Danmark

July 26, 2005
It sounds like costocongritis. Google it and see what you think. I had it last year, and it is painful. I couldn't take a deep breath.
   — sweetsue958

July 27, 2005
I had the exact same pain before surgery and sometimes now but not often. I even went to the ER and they told me I had a very large fatty liver and that the only way to releieve the pain and pressure was to lose weight and eat healthy. I lost 24 lbs before wls and in the last 4 months have not lost any weight but have been having fluid retention and have gained in 2 weeks 11 lbs. But my dr told me it is fluid and he put me on fluid pills again. My liver is so big it is pressing against my gallbladder which is pressing against my ribs. The pain hurts to breath or do anything. Eating makes it worse expecially if it is greasy. I had an xray and an ultrasound done which showed my liver had about 2 inches of fat on it. In order to shrink it I had to lose weight. It is better and the pain does not happen all the time.
   — mspisces

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