apreciate any advise regarding my weight loss

I had lap on 6/6/00. I have been having a problem when eating, eating too fast or too much. Had some vomiting. My diet consists mostly of protein drink for breakfast, cottage cheese(low fat) and low fat yogart, and some protein for dinner. I also bought some no sugar icecream on a stick(90 calories for one, 2 gms of sugar). I have been working on getting in all of my water and have been walking five days a week. In 3.5 weeks I have only lost 21 pounds. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Any help would be great apreciated.    — twenc (posted on June 30, 2000)

June 30, 2000
I don't see that you are doing anything wrong. I've lost 40 pounds in 12 weeks.
   — Cindy H.

June 30, 2000
Hello, Toni and congratulations on the weight lost. Don't put pressure on yourself because you haven't lost a lot of weight. Everyone is different, you can loose weight more slow than others. I also recommend that you try to eat 3 or 5 meals a day at your regular oz and not more. That can also be a problem eating more food than allowed. Try not eating the ice cream for a weak and see if your weight changes. Your weight lost is good because I lost 25 lbs in 3 weeks. Keep your head up and the weight will come off. God Bless You
   — Queen K.

June 30, 2000
I agree with Cindy, 21 pounds in 3 wks is great! When did you ever do that on a diet? Make sure you are drinking at least 64oz of water daily to flush the system. Your body knows what it is doing-trust it! Measure yourself and you will see the scale is not the only way to see success.
   — ZZ S.

June 30, 2000
Toni, 21 lbs. in 3 weeks- that is a pound a day! I would LOVE to lose like that! You go girl!!! You are doing great, but it is so hard not to compare ourselves to others who seem to be losing faster. You may slow down as your body tries to adjust to the weight coming off so rapidly. The key is water, protein, and exercise. Also, remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so a better measurement might be measuring inches instead of pounds. Even if your weight loss plateaus, you will see noticable differences in your body size. Hang in there- you are doing GREAT!
   — M B.

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