experience with hormones going up and down dramatically post-op

Before surgery I never menstruated. Since surgery, 6/6/00, my menstruations have been all over the place, and I have been experiencing such highs and lows in my moods that I know it must be attributed to my hormones. I wonder how many others experience this, what causes this, does this stablize after some time? Whatever information you can share would be tremendously apreciated (My poor family and co-workers....)!    — twenc (posted on October 4, 2000)

October 4, 2000
Toni--been there, done that, own the t-shirt concession! I've been having a devil of a time with the hormones on and off since having my VBG on April 17. I think -- and my PCP concurs -- that it has something to do with rapid weight loss, complicated by the shock to your body of major surgery, and your poor system trying to find its own equilibrium. I mean, come on! We've been "stuffing" our system for years, and now we're "starving" it; no wonder the poor thing doesn't have a clue which end is up! As for myself, it's become better as time goes on. Your body does settle down, eventually. As a precaution, though, I might be tempted to be tested for bipolar disorder (manic depression), it can, I think, be determined with a blood test (you'll be lacking certain blood chemicals) just to make sure it's not something more serious -- particularly if there's a history of that disorder, or of depression, in your family. Better safe than sorry! But if it's just your hormones, it will calm down eventually; every day's a little bit better than the one before. Warm thoughts always,
   — Cheryl Denomy

October 4, 2000
I HAVE TONI!!!! I keep thinking I am not done with the hibernation syndrome thing, until I realized I am 8 1/2 months postop and my depression/mood swings are monthly (suspiciously regular)! Before surgery, I had periods only when medically prompted. Since July, I have been horribly regular- like a clock- and so have my bad mood swings. I try to baby myself through these times. Since I never have been PMSy before- this is all new to me. I stick to warm fuzzy clothes, soups, hot baths, and good books. I try to lower expectations for those days and just go with the flow. I am praying once I hit goal, or the weight loss slows down, these mood swings will level out. Good luck an God Bless!
   — M B.

October 4, 2000
PS Toni, I think I read somewhere that we store estrogen in our fat so that may be the "why" of all this- perhaps once the fat is gone, we will mellow out.
   — M B.

October 4, 2000
I don't have periods anymore , and so far no mood swings , but wow do I have hot flashes. I had them 70 lbs ago then they went away (sort of) and now they are back BIG TIME , I'm sure this is related to the weight loss some how. I also hope things settle down as I lose more weight.
   — Rose A.

October 4, 2000
I can't offer any help as I have not had this problem, but just be sure you are getting an iron supplement regularly. Now that you are losing fluid more than before WLS, you need to replenish the iron. Good luck!
   — Paula G.

October 4, 2000
Ask your PCP about going on birth control pills. I started on Ortho Tri-Cyclen with my first postop period and have had only slight mood swings, plus my periods are shorter and less painful (and more regular!) than they were preop.
   — Kellie L.

October 5, 2000
I was experiencing some side effects associated with my cycles. After my fist 100lbs, I started experiencing severe cramps, highs and lows in my moods, and nausea; you name it I was getting the side effect but 10 times as worse. I went to see an OBGYN and she told me sometimes women that loose a significant amount of weight can experience such side effects, she changed my birth control, put me on Naproxen for the cramps, gave me pain killers just in case the Naproxen didn't help; as well as anti-nausea meds because as you know we cannot vomit like a regular person... which in my opinion makes the nausea and vomiting worse... all I was getting was terrible dry-heaves. Any ways I have been taking these meds for about four months and am feeling wonderful... I have been seeing some commercials on TV for a new Mood medicine for Pre-menstral symptoms, and I am going to get more information regarding it... it looks like it could help with the "moods" we can get prior to our periods. Best of luck!
   — Jamie T.

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